
Standardized Testing Dbq

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Ron Alweiss 12/5/17
Mrs. Smithers 8-1

Standardized Tests For The Win
Imagine there was another way, besides a report card, to prove someone’s intelligence! Standardized testing is a respected way of showing someone’s smarts and abilities in terms of English and math. Standardized testing has a positive impact on students because it’s a good way to see the knowledge of different kids that go to different schools, it shows you the format and what kind of questions will be on the test, so you’ll be ready for harder exams like the SAT, ACT, etc, and it can push their minds to their full potential.

Standardized tests allow different kids from all over the United States to have a fair and equal chance to prove their academic intelligence in …show more content…

since both tests have similar types of questions and formatting. Also, students can push their minds further than they thought possible just by putting in a little effort and your full potential. One way to prove this is “The multiple choice format used on standardized tests produces accurate information necessary to assess and improve American schools (Source E).”This shows that the multiple-choice format makes grading much easier. Also, multiple choice questions give options of what the correct answer is, instead of normal fill the blank questions. Another example to prove this is “ ‘Teaching to the test’ can be a good thing because it focuses on the essential content and skills, eliminates time-wasting activities and motivates students to excel (Source E).” This means that teachers should teach the material on the test, taking stress off students to study so hard. Also, it eliminates activities that don’t benefit the students and it’s pushing kids to do their best. Next, a counter argument will be stated, but then will be

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