
Standardized Testing Is Defined By Standardized Test Definition

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Standardized Testing is defined by Standardized Test Definition as, “any form of test that (1) requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way, and that (2) is scored in a ‘standard’ or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students or groups of students.” This formality of testing was introduced in 1845 by educational pioneer, Horace Mann. Mann’s vision for these test, that was made originally for students to prove their obtained knowledge through the tests, was to perfect the best teaching methods so that every student had equal opportunities. The present-day standard tests, like SAT and ACT, were …show more content…

It also authorized students to be evaluated on their knowledge and skills and not take their restriction in ethnical background or their current situation that day into account. The machine also allows for tests to be graded on a large scale since standardized tests are used worldwide. Another aspect that proved to negatively impact the test is how quantifiable the results used are. Many standardized tests are similarly labeled under Criterion-Referenced. Criterion-Referenced tests are are tests that measure a student’s ability in specific criterias, a popularly known used test in elementary and middle school is the MAP(Measures of Academic Progress) test that focuses on the basic knowledge of Mathematics, English, Science, Reading, and Writing. In all of those criterias the test is restrictive to what the student should know and later on which causes the inability to solve problems on a creative level but on “standard” level. These tests at points proved to be useful for the goal it was established for but it was established by politicians who believed it will furthermore improve our education system. Standardized testing, federal level, is leading in more student anxiety than local level tests. Spector points out that “six in ten school psychologists said the Common Core learning standards, which includes state exams for students in third through eighth grades each April, has increased students’ anxiety”. Spector also states in his newsletter from one of his

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