
Standing Up For What You Believe In Essay

Decent Essays

Standing up for what you believe in is very important. What would happen if our country never stood up against the unfairness of England, where would we be now? Us humans are given free-will to do what we believe is right and to stand up for it. Many famous people are known for their righteous acts for standing up to what they believe is right. A good example of people who stood up for their beliefs was our Founding Fathers. Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers said “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” He is explaining that if they surrender their freedom and their rights to the tyranny of King George lll they will never be able to stand up against anything. …show more content…

Standing up for what you believe in helps build courage even when it seems impossible. ." An example of someone who stood up for what was right was King David. David fought against Goliath even though the odds were against him, yet he trusted in God to lead him against those who opposed him. “All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” (1 Samuel 17:47) After he defeated Goliath, the men of Israel charged the Philistines and won the battle. Another reason why standing up for what you believe is right is because it may influence others in the future. Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. He sought out to free India from British rule. Gandhi believed that this goal could be achieved without having to resort to violence or war. His idea worked so well that years later, a man called Martin Luther King Jr. used Gandhi’s ideas of peaceful protests and boycotting to break segregation during that time. He also spoke his famous “I Have a Dream Speech” which was about his dreams of a world not separated by the color of your skin or ethnicity. Humans are given the free-will to do what is right. Standing up for what is right is important because it builds courage, inspires people, and it is important to do what is

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