
Stanford Prison Experiment Essay

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Craig Haney, Curtis Banks and Phillip Zimbardo
Stanford University

The topic addressed in this article is called: Stanford prison experiment, a study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison.
The purpose of the research described in this article is to investigate the psychological study of prison life experience in prisons by prisoners and the guards and the effects it has on their psychological behavior.
There were two hypothetical argument in this research.
Others suggest that the conditions in the prison was attributed to the prisoner.
Another group of people claim that the management of these institutions are the ones making prison conditions …show more content…

The implication of this experiment points out the impact the prison environment has on individuals which are subjected to it. I recall one of my friend who was arrested and put in a prison cell for two weeks under very aggressive guards, the cell was made of “iron sheets” and he meet other four prisoners inside the cell and all together were five in number in a small cell and when we went to check on him the next day, the first statement that came out of his mouth was “this is hell on earth” conditions being not favorable for human survival. This reveals to the future psychological researchers that prison life affect the social behavior of the subject negatively because prisoners are meant to know and understand that they deserve such inhuman conditions and have no “rights” in the prison cells but are under the mercy of the guards and those in charge of the

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