Star Clint Eastwood's character isn't a lot of a good example, either - unrepentantly cantankerous, smoking and drinking all through the film and a man overflowing with vitality, the vast majority of which he uses to hold himself in. Every word, every frown, appears to have loosened up from a profound spot. he does defend this entire family that he has a racial contempt for, and instructs the kid new things, lands him a position, and recoveries the family from a scaring and life-undermining group keep running by the kid's debased cousin and companions. He gives up himself to spare Toad from the pack individuals tormenting his family and figured out how to adore who he abhorred them most The fundamental purpose of the film was, the way walt advance and figures out how to relinquish his racial partiality and shows a young fellow the benefits of buckling down and that brutality ought to just be a final resort to an issue. …show more content…
Ahneys character was splendid, tolerating, and receptive. She brought Eastwood out of his shell. She knew enough history and practical judgment skills to tear down his passionate dividers. By become friends with Eastwood, he picked up an admiration for her kin and manufactured a paternal association with Toah. Toah picked up certainty and sense of pride, and Eastwood had the capacity have his dad child relationship vicariously through being companions with Toah. Sue, who demand that Thao work for Walt as an approach to present appropriate
2. I picked this film because of the strong message it is meant to put across, considering that Lee wanted the world to acknowledge that while society had experienced significant progress up to the turn of the century, people still had a long way to go in order for the world to be a morally acceptable place. Reading more information about the girls killed during the 1963 Baptist Church bombing really shocked me and made me want to discuss this film.
The arc from the innocence of the little boy to the uncomfortable vulnerability hiding underneath the muscles and gold fronts of the hardened adult is moving on multiple levels. Observing his difficulties forces you to absorb the conflict and inescapable trepidation that surrounds the shared character. Pressing his heart to your own makes for one of the most moving and rewarding film experiences of the past few
At the end of the film, after the hanging of the two murderers , I did
4. What was the point of the movie? (ex: a political statement, a moral idea, reflections on society)
driven by a force to prove himself but also to get revenge on his father, Walt, whose past continually
For this assignment, I chose to watch the movie Gran Torino, directed by Clint Eastwood. Throughout this movie, I noticed there are a numerous amount of value and ethical issues that are present. Within the NASW Code of Ethics, there are values and ethical responsibilities that each social worker is to be held up to. All throughout the movie, Clint Eastwood portrays an excess amount of racism, particularly towards the Asian, specifically Hmong community. When I first started watching the movie, I recalled that the NASW strongly values the dignity and the worth of a person. I started closely paying attention to Walt Kowalski, played by Clint Eastwood. Considering how Walt Kowalski acts throughout the entire movie, he noticeably does not share the value of respecting the inherent dignity and worth of the person. As stated in the NASW Code of Ethics, social workers are expected to treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, regardless of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Adding on, when referring to the Hmong community, Kowalski continuously uses many derogatory racial slurs. A few of the slurs he uses include, “Gooks,” “Zipper heads,” and “Fish heads.”. By addressing the Hmong community with these slurs, it violates section 1.12 of the NASW Code of Ethics, which is Derogatory Language. According to the Code of Ethics, it is required to use accurate and respectful language in all communications. The use of this language is also a violation to
The degree of connection between all of the characters in the movie is so coincidental and interrelated to emphasize the point that we do not always know what is going on with everyone else we may encounter. It also accentuates the fact that racism is not one particular race against another. It also shows that we never know someone’s situation and what is happening in their life to make them act the way that they do if
The conclusion of the film was extremely dramatic and effective at reiterating the neighborhood’s increased confidence over the gang activity. Walt began the confidence building by standing against the gang publicly. This brought the neighborhood to think of him as a hero and shower him with gifts of praise. It was befitting that he would martyr himself in the end. Lying on the ground dead like Jesus nailed to the cross. His essential “suicide by gang” was not the only possible solution to the problem. Though conflict resolution through communication with gang members would more than likely fail, neighborhoods in similar situations have stood firm as a community against gang violence and intimidation. Using the latest technology, they have driven gang elements away. By joining neighborhood watch and documenting illegal behaviors from gang members, neighborhoods have made themselves less attractive for gangs to reside. “The gang's power increases through their use of fear and violence to intimidate rivals and citizens alike. This tactic can be countered by citizen action groups such as Neighborhood Watch. A neighborhood that is united in the goal to stop gang crime and violence can be an effective force in curbing gangs”. (Orange County Sheriff Office, 1992, p.1).
As we were watching this film I could tell that there were many messages that the director wanted the audience to gain from this movie. One of the messages I got from this movie is that every single person is extremely similar however racial issues hold us back from discovering that. I believe the director wanted viewers to realize that stereotypes and discrimination keeps us from learning about one another. With the way things came
The movie itself covers so many pivotal and defining moments in history and provides an intimate observation with a twist of humor and charm that is not often depicted in movies such as these. The movie itself gives an honest insight into situations of the time that are not often addressed. One moment early on in the movie depicts the strong relationship between a single mother and her child in the 1950s, as a rule of thumb television
The theme of the movie needs conflict to be created and understood. Walter travels the world to find Sean, and while doing so he discovers new things about himself while on his journey. He learns the purpose of life
Another scene in which the character of Walt deals with the prejudices of ageist yet
This movie gives us a perfect example of how a conflict was not handled effectively because assumptions were made, the character jumped to conclusion, due to this the issue became worse than it should have been. The communication dynamics in this was always done through someone else therefore one person would get upset, because he misunderstood the person that was giving him information.
gives a trait of themselves that plays a role in the movie. The basic summary of the movie is that
knowing that Andy is vulnerable, gets him on the tar duty and seems to take him