
Star Food By Ethan Canin: The Struggles Of A Man

Decent Essays

Struggles of a human Stress is a main aspect of the human condition, because everyone goes through a daily amount of stress, whether the problems come from school, family, even physical activities. The first time I felt a load of stress was earlier this year in fact, on a Thursday in September. I had many assignments due that day, and had a football game for band later as well. There was a reading check for “WHAP”, and the second I had seen the vocab and multiple choice questions my stomach started churning. There was sweat running down my face.... The notes I had took were horrendous, the thought of my French IP Practices the next period did not help either. Even though the day had finished and I did not have to stress over school anymore, …show more content…

The author Ethan Canin is talking about stress by subtly talking about how stress is long lasting, and even when stress is thought to be gone, the human brain over evaluates, and thus panic attacks begin. Early signs of stress for Dade is seen after his father utters “You’re going to end up on one of those curbs!” (Canin 5). Dade knew his father was upset with him, which lead onto the fact that Dade dealt with loads of stress from his family. Later on the story mentions that his father “believes that god rewarded only two things, courtesy and hard work” (Canin 14). Knowing that this is what his father believed, this would have made Dade hard working, yet he only stares into the clouds when in reality Dade wants to impress his dad, but does not want to attempt to do anything for that to happen. Dade had already been panicking but did not show it much until his mother told him “You’ll own the store someday” (Canin 55). Dade began to overthink some of his actions after this, which lead to the tiny, more noticeable panic attacks. Dade had them because he kinew his father would confront him about the situation and deal with the

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