First, is my lack of verbal saying because I rarely speak unless it is necessary. When ask a yes or no question I respond by nodding my head. Or when I do speak it’s as soft as a whisper. Secondly, my crazy obsession with Star Wars because that’s all I talk about and collect anything related to it, and finally, my lack of expressing my feelings. When I’m mad, sad, or stressed, I don’t say out loud of what's my emotion at the the moment, rather I keep it to myself.
Weak, inability to say no, hated to hurt people 's feelings, couldn 't tell a liar
On May 25, 1977, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released. George Lucas created the science fiction series using Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey plot structure. Campbell created the plot structure by expanding on psychologist Carl Jung’s idea of the archetype. Archetypes are reoccurring symbols that can be found in literature, music, and art. Lucas found that Campbell’s Hero’s Journey was the perfect structure for the plot of Star Wars. The Hero’s Journey consists of ten steps which the protagonist, usually the hero, has to complete. Throughout the movie, George Lucas perfectly orchestrated all ten steps of the Hero’s Journey, and also used dozens of the archetypes that Campbell created.
“Do or do not,” says Yoda, in the acclaimed science fiction movie Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, “there is no try” (Empire). This quote is perhaps the most famous of the character’s, and perhaps one of the most famous in the whole franchise. It highlights an idea that the scene perpetuates: the fact you intend to do something doesn’t matter, only whether or not it is done. This is not a perfect metaphor for the application of knowledge, but it fits in rather easily. Without an effect, an application, all you have is abstract knowledge – that trying that Yoda denies – and in that way value has been diminished. Two areas of knowledge which especially highlight the values and limitations of that claim are the natural sciences and religion.
my insecurities and that i'm not easily bothered by what people say about me, being racist
My character flaw is that I'm lazy. I procrastinate and always look for the easiest way out of things. One of the things it says about me is that I am always looking for the easy way out and not to be trusted in doing things by myself. Even when I am people will still constantly monitor my progress and push me to do things faster "my parents". It is a horrible habit that i need to overcome because it hurts my
The most defining attribute that represents me is being too quiet. This started out when I was young and a bit clumsy, just trying to find my place
Motion Pictures have always had a strong influence in today’s culture, but maybe none as prevalent as Star Wars. Originating with Episode 4 A New Hope, the series boomed from 1977 to 2005 with yet another addition coming in 2015. The strongest of the series was the original trilogy episodes 4, 5, and 6, all generally released in the 1980s. As one of the strongest film francaises still today, it’s impact within the 1980s was only the tip of the iceberg. Children and adults alike still anticipate the new edition of this seemingly endless journey. If any singular film series still holds prevalence in its future decades it is Star Wars: Original Trilogy.
The problem with characterizations and first impressions is that I don’t give an accurate perseption of the real me. I often seem ditsy and spacy, and sometimes I act in a way that doesnt portray the real me, and that frustrates me beyond words. My friends call me “bubbly,”
My character is something I take a lot of pride in. I am known to be honest, kind, and playful. I enjoy having fun but I know my limitations. I know when enough is enough and when it is time to get work done. I think this is why I excel in public and community settings. I know how to make people laugh and feel good about themselves with just a smile. I am also very honest. Since a young age my parents have inspired me to be honest and grateful. I have great work ethic and enjoy being helpful. I am patient
I can be intimidating. I have a hard time showing my feelings or affection. I find it very difficult to trust and am very private and guarded. I lack the ability to make those around me feel needed. I am too independent and don’t ask for help when I need it. When I am stressed I shut down and do not let people in. I do not talk about my feelings. I always act like everything is ok. No one ever knows when I am struggling. My nickname is “ice queen”. I can be controlling and not welcome change very well. I sometimes can lack self-control and have a difficult time remembering that I cannot handle conflicts in the professional world like I did and do on the
What movie franchise has been the most powerful film franchise in history? Who could forget traveling through space fighting evil, using the force, and defeating the empire? Yes I am talking about Star Wars. The franchise includes 6 movies and countless games, toys, and books. Now I know y'all must be thinking “she only thinks star wars in so important cause it’s her favorite movie or she’s a geek or something like that” Well to be honest I have never in my life seen any of the movies. I’ve seen bits and pieces but none of them the whole way through. Although that it true Star Wars has influenced my life. Star Wars is and will be for years to come the most influential, powerful, and profitable franchise in history.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an in-depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality.
I often get tense and feel over burdened when there is workload and too many tasks to handle. I often avoid the risk related activities; which is not a good trait. As I plan to be manager in future, I should always be ready to deal with risks. Sometimes when things do not work out properly, I get hyperactive and my behavior changes with the people around me. I shout at them and even do not listen to them, which is also not a good characteristic of my personality because a leader should have ability to manage and tackle tough situations calmly.
My character has both opened and closed many doors for me in life. Most of the time you will see that I'm very laid back and relaxed. Independence is one of my key qualities. I never like to bother people with my problems because ultimately they're not always going to be there for you. I roam around in silence; being loud and obnoxious is not something that has ever given me much success in life. I try to conquer a healthy and happy lifestyle, but you know how that usually goes. I am pretty athletic I believe because I have put in so much hard work and dedicated even more time to football throughout my eighteen years of life. My life experiences have given me a rebellious trait. For example, whenever I get yelled at in football by Coach
Time Management - I find myself to be a poor time keeper, and my general awareness of time could be better.