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Starbucks started in 1971 and by creating a cozy third place to customers beyond home and work and offering a slightly higher price yet fine quality coffee, within 25 years, it had opened just over 1000 stores. In order to maintain its leadership position, Starbucks had continued pursuing growth opportunities by selling Starbucks products through mass distribution channels and expanding its retail footprint. Along with the rapid expansion and success, Starbucks has encountered financial downturn in 2008, and the rise of competitors from both high price independent coffee shops, smaller coffee chains that resembled pre-expansion Starbucks model, to low price fast food restaurants chain McDonald’s and Dunkin’s Donuts has deteriorate the …show more content…

In the coffee industry, buyers have a lot of leverage due to variety of coffee offering and there is no cost of switching to another coffee shop or brand.

Alternative Solutions and Recommendations
In responding to its financial crisis in 2008, Starbucks brought back Schultz as CEO and stabilized financial downturn by closing nearly 1,000 stores that were underperformed, reducing $580 million operating cost.
Next, Starbucks ended its relationship with Kraft in mass distribution channels and gained controlling power back for its own products. By doing so, Starbucks was able to focus on promoting its newest consumer product, instant coffee (VIA), in its new offering category, despite the initial external skepticism and internal resistance, the VIA has generated $135 million sales globally in 2011. Other than introducing instant coffee, Starbucks also enjoyed a healthy market growth in its single-serve brewed coffee category. However, only 20% of Starbucks’ customers owned a single-serve brewer at home. By collaborating with its competitor Keurig to offer K-cup version of Starbucks, Starbucks’ share price increased 9.9%.
To regain Starbucks’ original value, Schultz reopened its renovated Starbucks store and implemented its newest acquired Clover drip coffee machine into the store to bring back the same high quality with the same heart in a new way. Starbucks also acquired Seattle’s Best Coffee, a non-Starbucks Brand, to complement its

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