
Starbucks's Highest Quality Beans

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Efficiency Efficiency is defined as the quantity of inputs it takes to produce an output. Coffee takes nothing more than coffee beans. Starbucks seeks the highest quality beans grown in Latin America, the Pacific Rim, and East Africa. They do not deal directly with the bean growers but instead deal with exporters with whom by from also do not buy directly from the growers. Though Starbucks is more than capable of growing their own beans due the entry barriers being extremely low they have elected not to and instead provide the exporters with extensive training to insure excellent relationships and quality of the beans they receive. In addition to their coffees Starbucks also provides coffee makers, grinders and various logoed merchandise. They have worked hard to establish a network ensuring the merchandise is the same throughout North America in every store. Though their merchandise is the same across the board in all their stores they do not have “cookie cutter” stores. Starbucks has designers on staff that can fit a store into any prime real-estate no matter the size; they are more concerned with projected coffee drinker traffic than with all the stores looking the same.
Quality is of the upmost importance to Starbucks. They devote a great deal of energy in order to train and maintain excellent relations with exporters and in order to ensure a high quality bean they puts all shipments through a 3 sample test. First before the purchase is made, than before

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