In 1889, Van Gogh created this piece during the time that he was being treated at Saint Remy mental institute. Surprisingly though, it was supposed to have been derived from his memory of the constellations in the sky that he had seen earlier that night. Starry Night is conceivably one of his most well-known and yet most intangible pieces of art. He used thick brush strokes which are possibly from his severe brain attacks and mental issues which create a bold and dramatized look. However, there is stability to his technique that contributes even more complexity, thus adding to the rich quality of his painting. The night sky portrayed by van Gogh in this painting is overflowing with spiraling clouds, a lively crescent moon, and glowing stars.
Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch artist from the mid 1800’s who was considered to have created approximately 2000 artworks. Growing up, he was classified to be highly emotional and having low self-esteem. Within those depressed emotions, it helped him pioneer the path of expressionism in his art pieces. But as he got more into him artwork he came more mature with his artwork and caused his color patterns and brush strokes to evolve into another style of art called Impressionism. Starry Night Over the Rhone was one of his last ‘few years’ paintings. It was painted in September of 1888. The canvas resides in Musée d'Orsay,
It is fair to say van Gogh was not in a good emotional place when he painted Starry Night. On May 8th 1889, van Gogh entered the hospital of St.-Paul-de-Mausole at St.-Rémy because of his mental instability. He did not leave for many weeks therefore he was able to devote the majority of his time to his paintings. van Gogh painted Starry Night in June between 16-18. The mountains are the ones he could see from his cell window but are exaggerated to reflect this idea of another world or religion that he had connected with in the past (Soth).
Vincent van Gogh painted Starry Night in 1889 during his stay at the asylum of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole. The healing process began, his behavior began to coincide with society, and his mental health issues were being treated successfully. His positive turn around during the hospital allowed him to receive more freedoms than other patients. He could leave the hospital grounds; he was allowed to paint, read, and withdraw into his own room. Unfortunately, he relapsed. He began to experience hallucination, thoughts of suicide, and depression. During this time he created “Starry Night.”
It is very popular due to having so many aspects that intrigue viewers. There is the night sky filled with swirling clouds, stars ablaze with their own luminescence, and a bright crescent moon. This sky keeps the viewer’s eyes moving about the painting, following the curves and creating a visual dot to dot with the stars. Below the rolling hills of the horizon lies a small town. There is a peaceful aspect flowing from the structures. The center of the town is the tall steeple of the church, towering largely over the smaller buildings. This steeple gives a sense of stability to the town and also creates the sense of size and isolation. To the left of the painting there is a large dark structure that creates an even greater sense of size and solitude. This structure is grand when compared to the scale of the other objects. The curving lines reflect the ones in the sky and creates depth. This structure also lets the viewer to make sense of what it is. Van Gogh’s use of color in “The Starry Night” has been much debated, particularly the dominance of yellow in this and some of his other later works. Some say the odd choice of coloring in his painting was due to him possibly suffering from lead poisoning. Van Gogh's use of white and yellow creates a circling effect and draws focus to the sky. Vertical lines such as the tree and church tower softly break up the composition without taking away from the night sky in Starry Night. Vincent van Gogh ́s choice of greens and dark blues were achieved with little bits of mint green which shows the reflection of the moon. The buildings in the center of the painting are small blocks of yellows, oranges, and greens with red to the left of the church. The blue in Starry Night is balanced by the orange of the night sky elements. Van Gogh ́s passion for nighttime is evident in the Starry Night painting, where the strong sky sits above the quiet town. It seems
This masterpiece was painted by Van Gogh in 1889 while he was receiving treatment in Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, a mental asylum. The beautiful painting that many people have come to love today was never appreciated during its own time. Various art critics thought that the large brush strokes Van Gogh had made in Starry Night seemed “messy” and “childlike”. The strokes also convinced people that Van Gogh was truly crazy and that he was not as talented as other artists. Yet the pencil thick lines are what made the painting look hyper-realistic and eye-catching. They have a calming, consistent effect on people whose eyes want to follow the swirls and lines. The brush strokes that Van Gogh added more texture, detail, and blended the colors easily to one another in Starry Night. The realistic details make it feel as if the painting is trying to get a message across to the public. With every line that Vincent van Gogh had made he put as much feelings into them as he did with effort.
“The Starry Night” is a clear reflection of this movement. It was painted during a very emotional and traumatic time during Van Gogh’s life. Van Gogh, created his work after viewing the night sky through the bars of his window at St. Remy Asylum, shortly after admitting himself after he suffered his infamous
Renowned artist, Vincent Van Gogh, expresses his practice of religion through his artwork, “When I have a terrible need of - shall I say the word - religion. Then I go out and paint the stars”. In this statement he is expressing how his religion affects his artwork. Van Gogh’s faith is portrayed in his paintings in the sense that it inspires his creative ideas. In Van Goghs’ painting Starry Night, the oppression of religion is being voiced through the foremost focal figure, the wave of Christianity and the holy church.
With its swirling colors and lines, The Starry Night, incorporates not just the color and light that is found in the earlier works of these painters, but it shows how forms and feelings also came into play. One of van Gogh’s main beliefs was that art was a direct representation of how the artist feels. Having grown up in a very religious family, van Gogh viewed the heavens as a beautiful, living thing. His heavy brushstrokes and vivid colors portray the night sky as crazy and chaotic and the village below as peaceful and serene. Van Gogh’s troubled life, which involved many failures in life, love and business, forced him into madness, which eventually caused him to commit suicide. While the problems of his life may have caused personal trauma, the artistic importance of his insanity is overwhelming. Perhaps if he had not gone crazy, he never would have created the masterpieces that have had such an impact on art and history.
Vincent Van Gogh’s pull to paint locations and places that had a personal relationship with is well known to most. In the year 1889, Vincent Van Gogh provided us with the painting we all know too well, Starry Night, this painting represents the view Van Gogh had during his time hospitalized in the asylum located in Arles. This painting since the year of 1941, remains in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Throughout this artwork you can see the personal emotion that went into his work, from the boldness in color, his breaststrokes, and composition through out this piece. The Starry Night, to myself is a vast combination of many opposites; simple and complex, plainness and beauty, light and darkness.
The 1889 painting, Starry Night, conceptualized and composed by Vincent van Gogh has long been a favorite art piece of mine. I had learned about Vincent van Gogh at a young age however it was not until I was told to illustrate an image using van Gogh’s abstract style with oil pastels in a high school art class, that I had subconsciously gained more respect towards art. At first, I struggled; I often tend to be more of a realist than idealist. However, connecting with and reviewing his Starry Night painting seemed to hold a deeper meaning within the color scheme of blue and yellow and strategically placed curvatures. The illustration held life, passion, and spoke to the viewer without words that some days you need to let go of any rigid stress,
The Starry Night portrait was created by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh during the period of the 20th-century renaissance. This masterpiece was one of Vincent van Gogh well-known painting in the history of art which brought him fame. The Starry Night was so popular because of this painting represents star that makes you dream. This masterpiece was painted on June 1889 during his stay at the asylum of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole near Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. During the time he created this masterpiece, Vincent van Gogh live in a hospital while he continues to make this art when he was ill.
If I had to pick a piece of art I would pick the painting Starry Night. This piece of art was painted by Van Gough and hangs in the Museum of Art in New York. I relate this particular piece of art to a moment in time when I would travel to New Jersey in the summers and explore the city of New York. One day my mom and the friends we stayed with decided to visit the Museum of Art since my mom’s an art major we were always doing things like this. I saw many pieces of art, but there was a particular painting that caught my eye Starry night. So many beautiful paintings were hung, but Starry Night always makes me relate, and think of the time spent in New York.
The night sky depicted by Van Gogh in the Starry Night painting is completed with of brightly colored stars, twisting clouds, and a bright crescent moon. This work almost has a dot-to-dot effect on the viewer's eyes because of the swirling motions moving in a circle through the middle of the painting, but Van Gogh uses the large tree and bright moon on different sides of the paper to give the painting unity. Starry Night is arguably one of Van Gogh's best paintings because of the excellent use of all the elements of art, which is hard to achieve in one piece of artwork.
Starry Night is a famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Starry Night was constructed in 1889. At the time of his existence, Van Gogh was not well known. Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime, and only became popular after his death like many other artists at the time. To fully understand this painting, one must know the personal life/struggles of the artist himself.
The Starry Night is one of the most famous paintings in the history of western culture. It was painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1889 and is recognized as his finest work. This artwork is oil on canvas and is currently in the Museum of Modern Art, New York. An interesting fact about the artwork is that it is painted from Van Gogh’s memory, unlike his other works which are painted outdoor. This painting is the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Reme-de-Provence. The view includes the starry sky, cypress tree, village, and hills. “This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big. “wrote Van Gogh.