
Starry Night By Vincent Van Gogh

Decent Essays

Starry Night is notoriously famous and is probably Vincent Van Gogh’s most well-known piece of art, but that is all for a reason. Van Gogh very unique curving lines throughout the work and they create a flow to the painting that is very somber and fascinating. The line quality of the work seems whimsical in ways yet intentional, the lines are not pressed in very hard on the painting, you can tell because there are color differences within the lines meaning Van Gogh made casual strokes to create the lines, yet at the same time they are definitely intentional as Van Gogh uses the color variations to combine with one another creating a very colorful arrangement on the canvas. All of the colors may be mellow and cool, but they are all very unique and different in their own ways. Van Gogh uses the actual stars in Starry Night to create a stark contrast to the rest of the scene. The stars shine bright yellow and orange in the night sky, drawing the viewers gaze and attention. Yet at the same time there is an ominous black object in the foreground of the painting, the object is said to be a cypress tree but it is no less interpreted for its possible deeper meanings. The painting uses these stars as the acting natural light for the painting and this is why the rest of the painting uses colors that are so cool, this is because Van Gogh wants clear contrasting values between the stars and dimly lit town. Van Gogh uses irregular shapes throughout the skyline and hills in the background

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