Have you ever had that feeling when you’re about to go on a spine-chilling roller coaster well, that’s me at the state fair of Texas OCT,10,2017. I will always remember that day, that was the first time ever riding on a roller coaster and the first time at the fair,I was so nervous, terrified my cousin was there,friend,mother,and aunts and It was a marvelous day. You are not trying to go on a horrifying ride but you’re forced to ride It.I was forced to ride Haulk my whole entire body froze and it was just so nervous inside, I felt wonderful,but also scared,on the other hand,my cousin‘’Cyd’’ was filled with excitement and ready to vivacity have so much fun on the ride,’’Cyd spoken to me It’s ok ‘’Jalen’’you can do It.’’Also my friend ‘’Logan’’
Just as I arrived in the line the previous riders were leaving. Before I knew it, the gate had opened and we were getting onto the ride. It felt like an out of body experience. Perhaps that was just my sanity watching in awe from afar. I left my shoes next to my bag inside the gate. I had to stand on my quivering tip toes to get in the seat. With my heart beating out of my chest, the carnival worker buckled us in. Then the operator moved us up about ten feet. I wanted to shout down at them to lower us back down so I could get back to the earth. Adrenaline rushed, palms sweaty, my breath came out in quiet, rapid gasps. I had just opened my mouth to speak, but the worker beat me to
Roller coasters are one of the most popular rides when you go to an amusement park with everybody in your family. Why are they so scary for some people while for others it is just another adrenaline rush? Roller Coasters are one of the most complicated rides to build and to actually ride. There are some people who just have fun building something to have a quick adrenaline rush before going to work. Roller coasters have some of the most interesting design and history; they have become one of the world’s famous rides at every amusement park.
My artifact that shows my success is a cheer trophy that my team and I won in Vegas at a competition. The trophy is significant to me because it took a lot of hard work for our team to perform at this competition. Our team has never worked together so well and had more dedication than ever because that first place trophy is something we all wanted.
At the end, I realized that it wasn’t that scary, it was the best ride
At some point in life everyone takes a ride on a roller coaster, most people don’t now where they come from and when they were invented, lets take a look to the origin and history of the roller coasters, the initiative for modern roller coasters is based in a very common kid’s attraction that you can find in any playground, the slide. During the 17th century Russian slides come to a whole new level across Russia, but they weren’t normal slides, they were ice slides. As the name says these slides were frozen over with ice and the riders were simply push down sitting on a matt adding some protection between the raider and the ice, and were tall wood structures. Catherine
We submitted our tickets and headed towards the most terrifying- edge- of- your- seat- roller coaster...Fahrenheit. This was the ultimate fear ride for me. Reason being, at that time I was scared of super tall roller coasters like that. My mom, brother, and I walked up to the line.
For many people, there is only one reason to go to an amusement park: the roller coaster. Some people call it the "scream machine," with good reason. The history of this ride reflects a constant search for greater and more death-defying thrills.
I was a little hesitant at first, but everyone convinced me to start off small. "We'll only get on the little rides if you want.", Emily said. "Yeah, we won't go on any of the big roller coasters unless you really want too.", Henry agreed. Feeling a little more at ease now, I agreed to get on the small rides. They were really fun and we were all having a great time. I kept looking up at the big rides and saw all the people getting on with big smiles and laughing. "What's the worst that can happen? I want to try to get on that one.", I said as I pointed at a yellow and blue roller
My first experience of riding a roller coaster was a somewhat traumatic one. I didn't just hop on the roller coaster realize it was fun, and continue trying new roller coasters. My first time riding a roller coaster is was one that I remember every time I go to an amusement park, see a roller coaster, or something like that. After I went on the roller coaster it just ruined my day and my view off amusement parks. Now I wish that I listened to my gut and never went on the ride.
My sister Jenny had just recently moved to Williamsburg from overseas, her oldest daughter Maddie was already back in school at Walsingham Academy but, her son Alex had yet to start school again so they went to Busch gardens. I got done with college early that day and went to join them at Busch gardens. It had been a little over a year since I had last seen them so I was excited to see them and ride some roller coasters.
My idea of a good time is not going down giant hills in an uncomfortable cart, surrounded by roaring wind and the deafening screams of strangers. I’m scared of heights, which meant I didn’t like going to amusement parks, nevermind roller coasters! Knowing how my cousins are, they would,
The ground looked up at me menacingly. After an agonizing 2 minutes, we reached the curve at the top of the hill. As we rounded the bend, I glimpsed the drop ahead. The butterflies drummed twice as hard now. Then, the end of the curve was upon me, and we stopped! “What happened? Is something wrong?” All of the sudden, the brakes gave way. A yell tore itself from my lungs as we flew down the hill. My hands gripped the armrests like there was no tomorrow. But then, after the initial drop, excitement flared through me. “This is the best rollercoaster ever!” I thought to myself. The coaster took me up, down, and all around. It felt like I was flying, we were going so fast. But, to my despair, all roller coasters end. As we pulled up to the dismount station, I thought to myself, “I’m never going to forget this!”
We were going so fast, upside down,loops,spins everything that is amazing about any roller coaster you have ever been on! It would have been cool to see what the view looked like but apparently my hair didn't want me to see
I remember looking up at the monstrous ride and hearing the ear-piercing screams coming from the people above me. Just the sight of it filled me with fright. As soon as my dad asked if I wanted to go on it, I gulped and put on a brave fearless face and said, “Yes”.
My hands were sweating like a waterfall. My knuckles were white from how hard I was holding on to the handle. We kept going up and up, until the ride stopped for a second. The next few seconds were terrifying. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. There were loops after loops, but then I stopped screaming. The ride was still going but I wasn’t screaming. I was enjoying the ride. The last loop came around and the ride came to a complete stop. I looked over to my friend and we both just started laughing our heads off. We rode the ride six times in a row! After that, I got on every coaster in the park. I had gotten rid of the fear. Now that I think about it, I remember the the reason I was so scared of roller coasters. When I was seven, my parents and I went to DisneyLand. We went on this huge ride named “Matterhorn bobsleds.” During the ride, these two huge monsters came out and I got really scared. But what I learned is that fear can be tolerated and can be