
State Fair Of The Roller Coaster-Personal Narrative

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Have you ever had that feeling when you’re about to go on a spine-chilling roller coaster well, that’s me at the state fair of Texas OCT,10,2017. I will always remember that day, that was the first time ever riding on a roller coaster and the first time at the fair,I was so nervous, terrified my cousin was there,friend,mother,and aunts and It was a marvelous day. You are not trying to go on a horrifying ride but you’re forced to ride It.I was forced to ride Haulk my whole entire body froze and it was just so nervous inside, I felt wonderful,but also scared,on the other hand,my cousin‘’Cyd’’ was filled with excitement and ready to vivacity have so much fun on the ride,’’Cyd spoken to me It’s ok ‘’Jalen’’you can do It.’’Also my friend ‘’Logan’’

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