I would like to join NYC Ladders for Leaders because I want to explore other careers and advanced my experience in the workplace. I am willing to learn additional skills to use in my future career in healthcare or childcare. By working at an internship, you are able to learn more about the industry and see how everything works. You also able to network with other people explore your surroundings. In addition, what I hope to get out of this program is the starting tools to become successful in life, such as help with résumé/cover letter writing and interviewing skills. I also want to obtain essential workplace skills and business etiquette. I want to be prepare for what is ahead career wise and further my professionalism and skills. I also
I would like to join NYC Ladders for Leaders because it is a wonderful opportunity to gain valuable experience in the professional world. The pre-employment training which helps with resumes, cover letters and interviewing would be extremely helpful when I apply for positions in the future. Needless to say the summer internship will give me a lot of exposure to professional networks, working environments and insights into the industries. If I were to be selected for the program, I hope that in the end I would be able to better pinpoint my interests to help me decide on a career choice. Also I am hoping that the program will help me learn to better express myself in a working environment and build leadership characteristics that are essential
I would like to join NYC Ladders for Leaders to be able to participate in new opportunities that enables me to experience the beginnings of working in the Computer Science and IT industry. NYC Ladders for Leaders provides internships that are relevant to my interests in technology and computers that many other providers do not have. NYC Ladders for Leaders allows for teenage students in high school and college such as myself, the ability to experience the beginnings of a professional job as an internship in the industry that I am interested in. I hope to be able to learn the basics of being able to maintain the beginnings of having Computer Science or IT professional job from my time working as an intern in the program. I hope to be able to
You will learn leadership skills, and at the same time you will learn of many opportunities available for students like you.
The hands-on experience I will receive will be the most vital aspect of my growth into a leader. The intelligence that will be passed down onto me from the faculty, mentors, and even students is all a part of the process. It increases my experience and will help me provide a greater change for the surrounding community. I want to be a positive force in this world and the university will give me this
To help guide others to do our best by trying to reduce bullies, stress, and etc... Help people that I don't know by running fundraisers for the homeless people and help people get their life started. For as long as I've remembered I've always wanted to help people and protect the men and women that need it by standing up to the bullies that think they are better than others. I believe that with this program I could get started with that and actually make a difference in peoples
What I love most about the program is that with just a few additional courses, students may receive training in the areas of bereavement counseling, school counseling, and child and adolescent therapy. Three areas that I’m very interested in which give me a wide arrange of options when it comes to choosing a career that best fit me. The program fits my needs because the program can be completed in 2 to 2.5 years, and it is designed for adult learners, who work full or part time. Several courses have a community engagement aspect which is perfect for me because I’m part of the care of continuum for Miami Dade Homeless Trust
I believe that your program will provide me with very vital and important skills that I can implement into my future career in social
Houston Community College students who are active members of the National Society of Leadership and Success can apply for the organization's merit and need-based scholarships.
I would like to be in the Peer Leadership program because I want to obtain the skills necessary to be an effective leader. This summer I will be a counselor in training at Fairview Lake, so I believe that this Peer Leadership Program will fulfill and help finish my goal to strive to be a good leader and role model. In addition, I want to be one of the Peer Leaders who will serve to be a positive influence on students all around Summit. If I am a peer leader, knowing that kids will want to look up to me will help improve my impulse control. I tend to do things without thinking and I am continuing to improve this. One of the three qualities that make me a good role model is I care unconditionally for people because I along many others can relate to those who
Upward Bound can do so many things for me.This program and it’s people can and will lead me in a whole different direction than what my eyes didn’t see before.Even if I don't get picked it will go to show and teach me not to give up and keep trying.I feel this program is big on grades which they are.You as a person always need to strive and do your best to succeed in life.Upward Bound can really get me to focus on school and prepare me for my career,so I know what’s coming in the future and be ready to take on anything.Also with tutoring for me as a person I need to see things clearer,more hands on,and one on one.Which I cherish so much.This experience will always tech me to not hold back keep pushing to achieve my goals don’t push school aside and take it seriously from the
From this program, I expect to learn the skills on how to be successful in the non-profit
The program tasked me with researching topics in politics, economics, and business, and working in groups to make presentations.
I have always enjoyed learning however, when I graduated high school I opted to move away from home and gain employment instead of going to college. Now I find myself with a vast amount of on-the-job training but no degree on my resume. With my busy schedule this online program will allow me to acquire new skills and techniques while fulfilling duties as a full-time employee and a single mom. This degree will ultimately increase business knowledge and improve overall performance in both my current and future professional career.
To begin with, I have learned many things in this program. First, I learned about substance abuse. For instance,
My Mission/Great Purpose is to empower and help women and youth discover and pursue their passions and dreams through creative, hands-on training, education, and workshops that integrate Life Purpose Coaching techniques with expressive healing arts.