My achievement comes from two non profits organization, YouthCARE and College Possible. YouthCARE is a multicultural youth program that does activities and employment programs. I was involved in Youth Advisory council. We planned events for youths to bond with each other and do fundraising. We were able to get about get about 200 youth participants. College Possible helps high school Juniors to raise their ACTs and Seniors with their applications. Many students got into college.
I am a qualified Childcare Practitioner with 12 years’ experience, who would love the opportunity to embark on a career as a Primary Teacher. I am currently employed in a local authority pre-five nursery class within a Primary School. I aspire to become a teacher as I feel it will offer me new challenges and a chance to further develop my love of teaching. I am a dedicated worker and continually strive to provide high standards. I also promote confidence, respect and compassion to ensure all members of the nursery and school are respected.
For years, it had been my goal to work at a nonprofit. I slowly worked toward this goal by obtaining my Master of Accountancy at Truman State University and doing a variety of volunteer work along the way. I won the Sister Ann Kessler annual community service scholarship my junior year of undergraduate school for volunteer and leadership work and continued to assist through the SERVE Center during graduate school.
I would love to attend Wake STEM Early College High School because I believe it will give me a head start on my learning after the high school level. Your program will improve my college experience and save thousands of dollars in college tuition by giving me an associates degree and high school diploma upon graduation. I am also exceedingly interested in a career in science or mathematics. I have always been focused on learning science and math because it is something I love to do and I can have a successful career in the future by using those skills. I understand that attending this prestigious school will require a certain level of maturity and willingness to work hard. As an 8th grader at West Lake Middle School, I am a member of the National
I am a hardworking student that gets their work done. I’m used to getting straight A’s on my report card and great things said from my teachers. I study hard when I need to and I stay focused. I feel that going to Renaissance High School will challenge me academically. I will also be surrounded by others who are willing to learn and think that education is important.
In the course of my time at Union County College, I was able to participate in measures that aided my community and those in need. I took part in the donation and creation of care bags which were donated to the Salvation Army. This initiative was made by AESNJ as part of their statewide drive to help those who lack the resources needed to obtain day to day necessities such as hygienic supplies, socks, tissues and other essentials. Additionally, I made a financial contribution which went towards aiding Syrian children. Helping individuals in need encouraged me to participate in Strides against Breast Cancer a walkathon which generated money for women whose lives were impacted by cancer. The financial donations assisted women who were unable
Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in various clubs and organizations to help me become a leader in my community. At Auburn High School I took on the role of being a Publicist officer for National Technical Honors Society the first two consecutive years that it became a part of our school. I gained a lot of leadership experience through this club. Implementing a new organization is never easy and takes a lot of hard work and dedication from the leaders of the club. By being a part of a very helpful, dedicated and motivated team, we helped affiliate all the eligible members into the club and in turn helped introduce this new club to the school. As publicist my role in helping the club grow was crucial; I helped in publicizing the clubs various projects and involvement.
My most meaningful accomplishment in the last few years is the work that I did as Social Chair of my sorority. When I was offered the position, I knew there would be stress from becoming the sole representative of my sorority to the rest of Greek life and other organizations. However, I greatly underestimated the stress of being the bridge between my organization and others. I pushed myself to see my position through and felt a huge sense of accomplishment after I was done and able to see the work that I was able to do. I would measure my success by comparing the work of other social chairs to what I was able to accomplish. Not only did I look at past social chairs within my organization, but I also sought out other social chairs for other
During my weekends when I was not playing in baseball I would be volunteering at Waldron Wings which was a Domestic Violence shelter housing women and children who left their broken home. I volunteer at this facility up into its closing at the beginning of my sophomore year. Often times amidst the week I would tutor kids at my own conviction at the Haughville Library just because I would see them struggling and it only made me yearn to liberate their ignorance. Which leads to another one of my ventures which is Toys for Tots which I participated in faithfully in eighth and ninth grade. A group of peers and I would go “Christmas Shopping” and supply kids who were not fortunate enough to receive gifts with toys and games they could only dream of having. I am a high-honor roll student which is evident from me receiving this letter. On top of that, I always dreamed of leaving a mark on my high school career one days and this is one of the many ways attain this goal and impact my
My biggest personal achievement I am most proud of would be getting selected for my district's Middle School Pathways Program. It is a program in which 7th graders are taught the 7th and 8th grade Math curriculum in one school year, essentially preparing them to take Algebra 1 in 8th grade. As a B grade student in the 5th grade the requirements of the program; a 6th grade math teacher recommendation, a Math grade of A, on all trimester report cards, and a score in the top 10% on the end of year 6th grade district benchmark assessment, the idea of being selected seemed a little close to nearly-impossible. Even though the chances seemed little to none I set a goal to be accepted and I was able to follow through with it. The reason as to why
Contributing to my school and community is a true passion. I am involved in programs like the Red Cross, Angel Tree created by The Salvation Army, and Olive Garden’s Pasta For Pennies. My school hosted a Red Cross blood drive, and I was responsible for promoting the event to individuals within our school. We had a total of two hundred students donate blood. We helped save a total of six hundred lives! I also assisted the Program Angel Tree by promoting the program among the student organizations within my school. Our involvement has helped hundreds of less fortunate children and seniors receive necessities and gifts! As a team, the student council also collects spare change from students in our school. Our collaboration with Olive Garden has helped fund the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's School & Youth campaign. I am truly glad that my contributions have made an impact within my community and society! My strong involvement in extracurricular activities has helped me become knowledgeable, principled, and a risk-taker. I carry a strong sense of respect and righteousness, and I approach unfamiliar opportunities with a vision and great courage. I seek to set an example for members within my school, community, state, and
The cost of child care in the United States is skyrocketing. The Economic Policy Institute even found that, in 23 states, full-time care for a 4-year-old cost more than in-state tuition at a public college!
I like to work with young children and I have skills that make me suitable for this type of work. Also, I gained experience of working with children in different places. Nowadays, many children engage in different types of activates to have some kind of support and self-confidence for themselves. However, that will be good for their development and personality. I love working with the children
What interested you in this career? I wanted to work with families to improve and better their situations. Child Abuse is a horrible thing with endless survivors. By working in with Child Protective Services, I hoped to have a positive impact to prevent children from being abused.
Following college, I moved to Portland, Oregon and looked for ways to continue developing my skills and fostering my passion for social responsibility. I started at Impact NW as an AmeriCorps member, where I served two terms helping run the AKA Science program. In my role, I managed hundreds of volunteers, wrote curriculum, and trained instructors; but above all, I learned how to work with corporate partners. Aided by corporate volunteers, our program served thousands of students each year. I quickly realized the importance of establishing meaningful, long-term relationships. Companies gave back to our community and in return we provided them a chance to hold an engaging experience for their employees. Every committed corporate team we cultivated helped us build capacity and redirect vital resources back into our program. We also encouraged volunteers to share their skills and as a result they would provide us with amazing insights. For example, one group of volunteers from Nike world headquarters helped streamline our processes by sharing ideas from their work in lean manufacturing. These experiences sparked something for me and I realized that my strengths as a creative thinker and a leader and my passion for giving back unite.
The youth engagement program has a multitude of resources within their program including, events or support for participants, partnerships, and grants. The many events open to students within the program are, restorative practices, reading/writing/math support, SAT prep, writing workshops, campus engagement events, FAFSA workshops, college/career conversations, career connecting, and post-secondary application support. In regards to partnerships held by the program, their main partner comes from a subcontract with the NSO along with, individuals and organizations with expertise in different programming elements (social workers, counselors, mentors, and those in trauma care), and mutually beneficial partnerships such as university-community relationships. Lastly, the programs grants include; $10,000 from united way for restorative practice training and $10,000 from ford for reading and writing tutoring.