v Statement of Advice As at 14 February 2013 Prepared for Dr Navigate Print What is this document about? This statement of advice documents your current financial circumstances; our recommendations for the future and contains information to help you to make a decision on whether to proceed with our advice. Where information relevant to our advice has been provided to you before, or separately with this statement of advice, we will make specific reference to it in the relevant section. Provided by Tianji Jiang Financial planner of Flinders Financial Group Pty Ltd 88 888 888 888 Authorised representatives of Flinders Financial Planning Pty Limited. …show more content…
Navigate, you only want advice in regards to your own financial matters. Therefore this advice has been designed specifically for you and we have not taken your partner 's situation into consideration. Limited information warning If the information you have provided is incomplete or incorrect, you risk making a financial commitment that may not be appropriate to your circumstances. We have based this advice on your personal objectives and circumstances we recorded in your Fact find and which you confirmed for us. These objectives and circumstances are summarised in this SoA. If any information has been overlooked or misinterpreted, please let us know because it may affect whether our advice is appropriate to your circumstances. Please consider how our advice may impact your total circumstances if there are areas of information that you have not given us. Where to find more information This advice is based on and incorporates
related to these obligations because it has asserted that the obligations are not probable or
Financial situation In the administrator 's report, Mr Alan Sinclair reported that a surplus of $192,852 had been achieved in the last year. Although Lifeline is expanding and its income increasing, the sources of this income are rapidly changing. Over the last three years government funding has gone from 32 to 16.5 per cent of total income, and for the current year it is possible that it will reduce still further - a situation which has meant that Lifeline Brisbane has had to become more self sufficient in generating its own funds. During the last three years income from trading activities has increased from 43 to 62 percent of the total. Non trading income has declined slightly as a percentage from 25 to 21. Lifeline Brisbane has a software system which helps manage the following areas: accounting, word processing, telephone counsellor 's roster, payroll, warehouse, fund raising, counselling statistics, the consumer credit counselling service and the resource manual and library. Given the fact that Lifeline Brisbane, despite government cutbacks, is still able not only to cover the costs of maintaining services to its clients but also to achieve a surplus, the administrator is satisfied with the system in operation and sees no real need for any major changes. However, the business manager is not convinced that Lifeline can simply go on doing more or less the same as it has been doing for many years. For one thing, he believes that Lifeline should be
Even if you are single right now this book will change your thinking and help you feel more prepared to take on managing money with your partner in the future. Some principles in this book that are agreeable with are
You should carefully consider whether the information on this website is appropriate to you in light of your particular objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you review any relevant disclosure document relating to a product or service and obtain professional advice before making any financial
In addition to working with you to understand your current financial situation, we can help you solve any credit issues you may have from your past. As a Credit Reference Provider licensed under the National Credit Act, we are a great asset to use if you want to get your credit back where it belongs. When you successfully pay off a loan with us, it will improve your chances of
“Our purpose is to enable individuals and businesses to manage financial risk. We provide insurance products
Be thoughtful and make a choice to alter your plans you might have made in haste and you are here to get a difference that sensibly gets you out of the quagmire. It is Kates Barlow essentially for you and provides a choice of your marriage and financial plans with security and a chance you never want to
Here’s why hiring a professional financial planner is a good idea for anyone to consider, regardless of income:
There is one question everybody has to ask themselves. Why do we need to take care of ourselves? I can tell you why. It’s called personal care. Personal care is very important. It helps lead to a better lifestyle with better friends and family. Not only do you need to take care of your weight, but you need to take care of your bodily and dental hygiene. You also need to take care of yourself emotionally, like dealing with the right kind of people as your friends. Sometimes people don’t take care of themselves and they end up on a show like Hoarders or Biggest Loser. With guidelines, you can become a very healthy person if you are not already one.
Money plays a big role in our life, yet as a society we hardly talk about it. We all desire it, but barely understand it; money has become one of the biggest taboos of today’s society. Which has lead to widespread financial illiteracy Over the last few decades, today the average North-American has become ever more responsible for their own financial well being. Since the complexity in financial products as well as intensifying budgetary pressures have increased it has had a traumatic impact on everyone. One area where the average North -American's competency is suspected to be lacking is in the area of financial literacy, or the vocabulary, knowledge, and skills to make sound financial decisions based on one's budget and goals. Without these skills individuals find themselves at a disadvantage, and when a large portion of
An individual's life is like a ship coursing in the deep waters of a blue-colored planet. There can be different destinations but a person can only pick one, either that individual quickly crash into a falling despair of dystopia or peacefully land in an alluring utopia. These places are often determined whether the person attained his or her goals or dreams and this is where life insurance takes place. Financial literacy is a form of knowledge often unappreciated especially
Review - The support given should be reviewed at the time agreed in the plan. You can then decide together if the support is having a positive impact, whether the outcomes have been, or are being, achieved and if or how any changes should be made.
Give us a specific example of something you’ve done in your life (besides Orientation) that’s had a strong and positive impact on you, which will enhance your personal contribution to the Steering Committee.
• Based on the information provided in the case study, you are required to make a
First, the problem of adequate financial support is obvious. Although money does not buy happiness, it is true that a tight financial situation can create tensions which can undermine an otherwise happy relationship. While some financial problems are to be expected