
Statement of Advice

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v Statement of Advice As at 14 February 2013 Prepared for Dr Navigate Print What is this document about? This statement of advice documents your current financial circumstances; our recommendations for the future and contains information to help you to make a decision on whether to proceed with our advice. Where information relevant to our advice has been provided to you before, or separately with this statement of advice, we will make specific reference to it in the relevant section. Provided by Tianji Jiang Financial planner of Flinders Financial Group Pty Ltd 88 888 888 888 Authorised representatives of Flinders Financial Planning Pty Limited. …show more content…

Navigate, you only want advice in regards to your own financial matters. Therefore this advice has been designed specifically for you and we have not taken your partner 's situation into consideration. Limited information warning If the information you have provided is incomplete or incorrect, you risk making a financial commitment that may not be appropriate to your circumstances. We have based this advice on your personal objectives and circumstances we recorded in your Fact find and which you confirmed for us. These objectives and circumstances are summarised in this SoA. If any information has been overlooked or misinterpreted, please let us know because it may affect whether our advice is appropriate to your circumstances. Please consider how our advice may impact your total circumstances if there are areas of information that you have not given us. Where to find more information This advice is based on and incorporates

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