Bullying Essay
Have you ever been bullied? Yes? Well you are not the only one. One of every seven kids from primary school to high school has either been a bully or a victim. An estimated number of 160,000 kids of all ages miss school daily because of bullying ( Teen activists want to put an end to bullying because of: low self-esteem, negative and suicidal thoughts, and abuse. Except, what then happens to the bully? The bully: gets off with a warning - which cannot be good enough sometimes, the bully could also come back and continue to bully the victim, finally there can also be consequences. Teen activists despise bullying. For example, the ones that link between
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Alex got aggression from his peers in school. Most of the bullying happened in the bus and by lockers in school - 29% of middle school students have experienced or been a witness of bullying in hallways and by lockers. Coming back to Alex, he tried to commit suicide, but he did not succeed – he would try and cut himself, for example on his wrist. According to a documentary, Alex said “Most of the kids on that bus I knew from elementary school. We were good friends then.” Alex got most of the aggression and negativity on the bus. “But then in middle school, everything changes, and it's all about popularity and who dresses the best and who's the most athletic and who has the best hair. I was not the kid with the best hair.” Alex said. Alex is correct in this situation because people should never be judged by the way people dress, the way people look, or the amount of friends. It should be judged what is on the inside. Since he did not succeed he wanted to get his voice heard and he wanted to do something to solve his problem. After Alex got his voice heard he did all kinds of things. For example: he went to the white house, he also went to tons of interviews with all kinds of people, and he also went to an interview with a beauty pageant winner and many other famous …show more content…
When students get bullied it can often mean that they get punched, kicked, and pushed etc. A girl named Sarah Ball got sexually abused by her own boyfriend. Sarah Ball was 16 years old when her and her boyfriend broke up. Often Sarah was cyberbullied, meaning that she was bullied online. Leading onto the break up, it happened because her boyfriend sexually abused her, even before Sarah decided she wanted a break up. Sarah refused to tell anyone about her problem. Sarah decided to break up with her boyfriend and she assumed that the problem would go away. Except it didn’t. It lead to more cyberbullying, more teasing, meaner comments, and more abuse from her peers and her x-boyfriend. Sarah decided to keep the problem to herself. According to, Sarah said, “I thought it would never go away. I thought I could handle it on my own.” Sarah finally decided to find her voice. At the age 19 years old Sarah travelled the United States for 10 months, bringing awareness to students across the
According to the article, Meet the New Sheriff by Suzanne McCabe, “One out of every five students are bullied or are bullies themselves.” This one piece of ground-breaking evidence is enough to destroy our society, and our children’s lives forever. Bullying is a highly discussed topic that American children face every day and it’s near impossible to stop. There are also topics within bullying, like how students become bullies, or how to stop bullying, also which is worse being a bystander or being a bully. And you can’t deny that bullies are almost like mad serial killers, they go around and they don’t stop even if they get into trouble. There are so many topics on bullying that you can’t even count them all. “Everyone has been bullied for
The type of people who are most targeted by bullying is the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) youth.
Bullying, by definition “is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance” (Stop Bullying). Bullying has quickly become a serious problem in schools, and it negatively impacts both the bully and the victim. Students who have been bullied even once in their lifetime have a higher risk of attempting suicide, and in general have lower self-esteem, causing them to have difficulty maintaining relationships. Bullies themselves also begin to harass their peers because they have been abused or uncared for by their own family. While it may seem bullying is just a normal part of the high school experience, victims of bullying can face many psychological problems. Bullying is not something that should be disregarded, but instead should be properly addressed so that children who are bullied can find the help they desperately need.
We flip-flop between ignoring bullying altogether, considering it “normal” and implementing “zero tolerance” policies that don’t address the relationships among students and between students and adults. (Friedman)
Bullying is bound to happen anywhere at any time but occurs mostly within school limits. Kathleen Winkler defines bulling in her book, Bullying, as “...any kind of ongoing physical or verbal mistreatment, done with the intent to harm, where there is an imbalance of power between bully and victim” (Winkler 14). Bullying has an extremely important impact on one’s everyday life and can affect their life negatively getting to the point where they can no longer take the blow. To try and prevent bullying from taking place in schools, one needs to know how bullying effects a person, what the role of each person involved in the situation is, and have knowledge of specific methods on how to prevent it. Bullying in schools is a serious problem and a handful of school do their part to prevent it; others, not as much, which means there is room for improvements.
Bullying also takes a toll on the bully. Donegan (2012) reports over 60% of males with bullying tendencies between grade six and nine were later convicted of at least one crime in their adult life. This is in comparison to 23% of people who did not bully. Forty per cent of these former bullies got at least three conviction by the time they were age 24 years; this is in comparison to 10% of those who were not bullies.
It’s not like a math problem where you can add a couple numbers together and get the answer. Possible behavior problems can sometimes come from a persons environment or surroundings. It’s complicated andtakes time to fully understand the mind and behavior problems of a bully. But it's said that in situations like these, the reason for a bully to bully comes from there’re environment in which they are currently in and how they socialize. However due to the significant amount of victims and consistent actions of the behavior, there has been a significant amount of new information regarding the behavior of bullies. The research empties that bullying is an unpredictable trait thatshows up without and type of pattern and becomes problematic for one of seven individuals.Bullying takes place everywhere within the U.S.and does not discriminate again gender or race. However, the signs show up at a young age during
involved in bullying. A longitudinal study of male students who were bullied as children showed their
Bullying among school-aged children is regarded as a widespread problem in the United States and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), over one third of students in elementary and middle schools are impacted by bullying (Klein, 2012). Bullying is defined as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time” (Klein,2012). Studies show that the consequences of bullying not only include students who are bullied, but the effects extend to those who bully and
Bullying has always been recognized as a normal part of growing up; therefore, most people in the past have not given bullying much thought. Bullying is often thought as “kids being kids” or a “rite of passage,” but it is much more of a problem than just being a kid (Maughan 2). According to the U.S. Deparment of Education, over 13 million students are bullied each year, and over 160,000 students avoid going to school because they are bullied (Maughan 1). Students who feel so threatened by bullying that they do not want to go to school demonstrates just how much bullying can change a child’s life. Bullying is a serious problem, and a child’s life could be dramatically changed by being terrorized at school. (Maughan, 1-2)
Bullying is a very serious issue that is happening to many students across the world. More than one out of every five students have reported that they were once bullied. People have seen how much bullying affects people; with a study showing at least half of suicide attempts relating to bullying. But are we too quick to cry bully? Bullies should not be legally punished, because many times meaningless teasing is mistaken for bullying and bullies are usually far too young to realize the consequences of their actions.
Bullies in School Kathleen Berger 1 Bullying was once commonly thought to be an unpleasant but normal part of child's play, not to be encouraged, of course, but of little consequence in the long run. However, developmental researchers who have looked closely at the society of children consider bullying to be a very serious problem, one that harms both the victim and the aggressor, sometimes continuing to cause suffering years after the child has grown up. 2 One leading researcher in this area is Dan Olweus, who has studied bullying in his native country of Norway and elsewhere for twenty-five years. The cruelty, pain, and suffering that he has documented in that time are typified by the examples of Linda and Henry: Linda was systematically
According to “” 3.2 million kids under the age of 13 are bullied, 160,000 of them stay home from school, and one in
The general definition of bullying is, “… [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons” (Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct and
There are many issues in the news that involve bullying and bad things that happen, aswell as people being affected from people bullying them.