Statistical Analysis in determining the Market Value of New Fragrance
Name -(Jatin Kalchuri)
Due date-(14/04/2015) Lecturer and Tutor-( Dr Zhiming Cheng) Word count – 3000 words ( excluding the tables )
Table of Contents
Contents Page Number
1. Executive Summary 3
2. Business Problem 3
3. Statistical Problem 3
4. Analysis 4
4.a) Confidence Interval 5
4.b) Hypothesis Testing 7
5. General Conclusion 14
6. Implications 14
7. References 15
Executive Summary
The aim of this study is to determine the market value for the new fragrances so the company can properly price its proposed new product. For the
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This study makes use of simple random sampling. Simple random sampling selects the individuals randomly and every single individual must have an equal probability (Hughes and Sharrock, 2007; Powell and Connaway, 2010).Thus, each and every product chosen from the market for the survey has equal probability. The sampling unit of this study is Sanitary Product sector in Australia. The target population in this research for the quantitative study is the sanitary products in Australia. The sample size for the quantitative study is for 95 products in the market.
This research makes use of both the primary and secondary data. The primary data for this research is collected with the help of surveys. This particular research makes use of closed ended questions in order to collect primary data. According to Loewy and Guffey (2009), secondary data is the one which is already available and it is accessed through the external materials. The data analysis and interpretation process identifies solution to the research problem. This study makes use of the statistical technique independent sample t test, F test for testing equality of variances and one way ANOVA to test the proposed hypothesis. In this research, descriptive research design makes use of the independent sample t test. Ethics in this study is strictly followed by the researcher and also data is maintained in
In the story, The Minister’s Black Veil, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is an american romanticism aspect to it. The story revolves around Mr. Hooper, who is a minister. Mr. Hopper who is a main character changes up the routine in which the minister goes through. Mr. Hooper changes up the scenario, which leads to the people being uncomfortable. What made made Mr. Hooper stand out was a black veil that he wore on his face. He wore this black veil for a very long period of time. Almost as if it was a part of him.There is an explanation for why the minister chose to wear the black veil. There is a deep meaning in which there is extreme meanings behind significant items, in this case the black viel. There is an aspect of art which makes “The Minister's Black Veil,” significant. The details and symbolism within. There is a deep explanation for which applies to this story.
Hunsaker et al. (2015) clearly discussed the statistical tests that were used in the study. The data was analyzed by the Statistical Package for Social Science, a series of Pearson r correlation, t test and a one-way analysis of variance. The results of the study were sufficiently presented in Table 1, which used the Stepwise solution for analysis.
The method of inquiry that I have taken for this assignment is both primary and secondary research. I conducted a survey that I distributed among some of the school population on survey
The strategy of secondary analysis was chosen for this research because it is cheap and timely in comparison to other forms of research. Using data collected by other reliable sources increases the validity of secondary data analysis research.
In this chapter the results obtained from the analysis of data collected (previous chapter) are discussed in relation to the aims and objectives of the study. The study attempts to answer the following research questions:
Popular culture has a complex relationship to the legal field. “Works of popular culture often illuminate what real people actually do and believe” (Asimow & Mader, p. 7). Similarly, the works of popular legal culture reflect what people generally believe about the legal field. “Pop culture producers always distort reality, including the operation of the legal system, for dramatic, commercial, or ideological purposes” (p. 8). Therefore, popular culture may not be a perfect reflection of legal education as it is open to bias based on personal ideaologies. Irregardless, popular culture can tell us a lot about legal education. Law schools have been depicted in The Paper Chase as well as in several other movies and television series including Legally
This chapter discusses the methods used in the study. It consists of research design, data and data source, data collection and data analysis.
This study uses empirical, longitudinal, and quantitative study as it’s methodology. The research design was descriptive and
The objective of this paper is following: Firstly, descriptive statistics are provided with detailed values of selected variables and histogram and bar chart explained particular data in details; secondary, the relationships between variables are conducted by correlation for numerical data and cross-tabulation and chi-square for ordinal data; after that, hypothesis tests (one-sample t-test, two-sample independent t-test and F-test) are performed to deepen this study; and finally, regression analysis explores a liner model, based on results in previous sections. Further, it is noted that all calculations were performed by SPSS.
The fragrance market is the major part of the care market. During the 90’s, this market has known a considerable growth. Currently, it might be entering a maturity phase. The perfume market is highly competitive and there are a lot of fragrance houses which are competing for sales. The total global market is over 25 billion Dollars.
The Brassico family goes way back, all the way to the spanish colonies who first settled in mexico. The Brassico family were rich landowners. They had thousands of acres, mostly farmland. In 1987 Corinettey, the last remnant of the Brassico family and her two sons, Trumpeto and J’tuba moved, seeking a better life in the U.S.A. Sadly, Corinettey died of a freak accident at get air. Her sons lived on, trying to find their place in the world.
Data was recorded and analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS v.11. Correlation studies and ANOVA used for statistical analysis. The P-value less than 0.05 considered as statistically significant.
The utilization of t-test, ANOVA, and comparing group means are essential in social research. When the researcher uses a test, the goal is to compare the averages of the two groups in order to determine if the sample population has shown any differences in the variables studied. Comparing group means through t-test and ANOVA is needed in social research as its goal is to produce results from the sample that can be generalized to the the population. In this paper will discuss what the author of paper completed to develop a t-test and ANOVA analysis in SPSS, the author’s findings of the research, and what the author learned from utilizing the data set provided.
This research was conducted using quantitative research method. The surveys also support on the quantitative methods. The thirty samples of the students and the location are conducted the quantitative research methods.
Data was analysed with SPSS Statistics 20 and Mplus Software Version 7.11 by performing descriptive and inferential statistics. In order to get an impression of the characteristics of the sample mean, standard deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis were determined. Descriptive analysis was conducted for all demographic information