
Statistics Lab week 6

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Use of the Internet has resulted in recognition that information technology security is of major importance to our society. This concern seems relatively new in healthcare, but information technology security is a well established domain. A large body of knowledge exists that can be applied to protect healthcare information. A general understanding of security can be obtained by understanding:
1. Security Components
2. Security Principles
3. Threats, Vulnerabilities, Control Measures and Information Assurance
4. Achieving Information Security: Administrative, Physical, Technical
Security is achieved by addressing its components: confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability.
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Patients are concerned
„ Patients are aware we share their health info mation in the co se of t eatment information in the course of treatment
„ Patients may have seen or heard news reports of health information being inappropriately used or disclosed
„ Patients and the community expect us to protect their health information
„ There is growing concern about identity theft There is growing concern about identity theft
„ If we don’t protect their health information…
„ Quality of care can be compromised
„ Loss of community reputation
„ We have an ethical and moral obligation to protect patient health information protect patient health info
Protected Health Information (PHI): any info mation gene ated in the co se of t eating information generated in the course of treating a patient that may allow identification of an individual „ Relates to past, present, or future physical or mental conditions
„ Examples: name, address, birth date, Examples: name, address, birth date, admission date, social securOnly access information needed to do your job
„ Example: Nursing personnel may only look up information about their patients Nurses up information about their patients. Nurses should not be look up family or friends test results „ Only disclose information that someone else

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