
Steam Distillation - Clove Oil

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Steam Distillation – Clove Oil Abstract: In this experiment, a situ method steam distillation was performed and essential oils were isolated from cloves. Once the oils were obtained, extraction techniques were used to extract a crude, eugenol, and acetyleugenol product sample. These samples were submitted for GC analysis and the normalization area percents were calculated to confirm their purity; for the crude sample it was 93.95% eugenol and 6.05% acetyleugenol, for the eugenol sample it was 100% eugenol and 0% acetyleugenol, and for the acetyleugenol sample it was 24.84% eugenol and 75.16% acetyleugenol. The IR spectrum was also found for the eugenol and acetyleguenol products, which confirmed their identities; the eugenol sample …show more content…

The following procedure used for this experiment was written, compiled, and edited by Jeffery E. Elbert and Linda S. Paar. 25.0903 g of cloves were obtained and placed in the boiling flask along with 100 mL of distilled water. The heat was turned on to induce boiling of the water then closely monitored and turned down as needed to prevent foaming over. The heat was turned off after 54 mL of distillate (a milky white liquid) was collected and the mantel was lowered to allow the apparatus to cool. The distillate was transferred to a clean flask. 60 mL of distilled water was then added to the boiling flask and the heat was turned on again until the water boiled. The heat was turned off again after 60 mL was distilled over; this was added to the same flask as before for total of 118 mL of distillate. The flask was corked and the apparatus was disassembled. The distillate sat in a drawer for 2 days. The distillate was removed from drawer; it had

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