What are stem cells?
Stem cells have been in the news in recent years because they can grow and differentiate into many types of cell types, with much promise for treating a variety of diseases and injuries. Mention the term "stem cells" to family and friends, though, and you are likely to get a variety of responses and opinions. Why is this? Probably because much of the early research on these cells originated from human embryos, and there are many ethical and legal debates about the procurement and usage of these cells. Scientists are now utilizing stem cells of different origins; opening up the research and treatment options for humans and pets. Differing from embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells are procured from a variety of tissues, including skin, fat (adipose) and bone marrow, among other tissues. Adult stem cells are less controversial because the samples are easily obtained and the "host" is not destroyed, as with an embryo. Stem cells can
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Treatment of injured racehorses began with adipose-derived stem cells. Now, both horses and dogs are being treated in veterinary clinics around the US using a licensed stem cell therapy company. Adipose tissue is utilized because it is readily available and stem cells can be collected in large concentrations.
How are stem cells collected?
Veterinarians must be credentialed by Vet-Stem before using this service. Adipose tissue is collected surgically by the referring veterinarian; only about two tablespoons of adipose are needed.
How are the stem cells processed?
Once the sample is collected, it is shipped overnight in specialized packaging to the Vet-Stem laboratory. The next day, the stem cells are collected from the adipose tissue and shipped back to the veterinarian via overnight service. The next day (day 3), the veterinarian injects the cells into the injured tissue of the patient.
What diseases and injuries are currently treated with stem cell
Bruce Bradshaw was a crew chief in a helicopter during the war in Vietnam. One day Bruce improperly lifted a heavy piece of equipment resulting in what he thought was a bad back injury. After several tests from different doctors my grandfather found out he cracked one of his vertebrates. Along with this information a test came back positive for cancer. Doctor’s told Bruce he had an extremely rare case of multiple myeloma cancer. Multiple myeloma causes cancer cells to accumulate in the bone marrow, where they crowd out healthy blood cells. Rather than produce helpful antibodies, the cancer cells produce abnormal proteins that can cause complications (Mayo Clinic 1). Multiple myeloma is commonly caused by an anti vegetation
To give a short overview of the steps that will be taken to complete the study. Obtaining stem cells, whether adult, embryonic or induced, shall be done using healthy mouse models and after ethical approval has been gained. The process to derive them will be detailed below, however they are also purchasable commercially with the benefit of being well studied and accompanied by a detailed analysis of properties, however with a
Do the benefits of stem cell research and more specifically embryonic stem cell therapy outweigh the ethical controversies? Answer/Thesis Claim: Stem cell research and therapy is a promising field being held back by ethical issue. Stem cells are a regenerative medicine that can cure numerous diseases such as, cancer, diabetes, leukemia. The main ethical question society presents is, when does life start and what is ethical? The future of medicine and abolishment of diseases is being halted by ethical stigmas, once society accepts this form of regenerative medicine disease control and abolishment will be available.
Stem cells are basically the building blocks of life. Some type of these cells can be engineered into any type of cell in the human body. There are three types of stem cells currently. Adult or somatic stem “cells can generate replacements for bone and muscle cells that are lost through injury, disease or normal wear and tear.” Another type of stem cells are embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells “are “starter cells” that can be coaxed into becoming any of the specialized cells of the body, meaning they are “pluripotent.” The final type of stem cells are induced-pluripotent stem cells. Induced pluripotent stem cells “are adult stem cells that have been genetically altered to behave like embryonic stem cells”(National Institute of Health). Due to the advancement in medical technology scientists and doctors alike are now able to use stem cells for a variety of reasons like research and also in patient care. The benefits of this research can lead to the cure of diseases like diabetes, some cancers, and even neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s Disease and spinal cord injuries. The controversy behind stem cells lie from where these stem cells come from. The source of stem cells are plentiful. Some stem cells can come from human embryos that are a few days old. Stem cells can also be engineered in a laboratory setting using the cells from human embryos. Also there are certain stem cells that can be harvested from adults and
Embryonic stem cell research is a very controversial topic in today’s world. A stem cell is
This study will consist of two randomly chosen groups from the twenty available horses: the experimental group (treated with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and a phenylbutazone regimen standardized for this study) and the control group (treated with support bandaging, cold therapy, a phenylbutazone regimen, and stall rest only). All other factors (feeding, housing, exercise, etc.) shall be kept as similar as possible, within reason. Collection of adipose tissues will be completed three weeks before the start of the start of the experiment in order to collect a sufficient number of mesenchymal stem cells in
First of all an understanding of what a stem cell is, where it comes from, and the significance of it's medical potential is essential. Stem cells are the "master cells" that form the human body or whatever other animal it is from. Stem cells can be extracted from adult tissues, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood ( ), and embryos in the blastocyst stage. Although scientists have found ways to manipulate the stem cells from adult sources into other types of cells, they claim that they are less capable of deriving the desired tissue and are not "biologically equivalent" ( ) to stem cells extracted from embryos.
“Through the isolation and manipulation of cells, scientists are finding ways to identify young, regenerating ones that can be used to replace damaged of dead cells in diseased organs. This therapy is similar to the process of organ transplant, only the treatment consists of the transplantation of cells rather than organs. The cells that have shown by far the most promise of supplying diseased organs with healthy cells are called stem cells.” (Chapter Preface)
Many of us have all heard the saying that a “lizard can lose its tail,” and bizarrely enough it will grow back. This was always considered impossible for humans, an idea belonging in the realm of science fiction, but now the regeneration of tissue is an extremely realistic possibility. Despite some opinions, this process does not happen naturally, or take place as cinematically as one might imagine. Over the past decade, there have been major advances in regenerative medicine, commonly known as stem cell research. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells within the body that have the capability to specialize into any tissue. They are most commonly found in cord blood, bone marrow, organ donations, placenta, and embryos . Stem cells are seen by some as a new miracle treatment, encouraging many countries to invest in their research.
For example, scientists at the Texas Heart Institute extracted stem cells and anti-inflammitory from fat tissue from a patient that had had a myocardial infarction. Scientists then injected the stem cells into the damaged area of the heart. They then studied patients with stem cell injections and without stem cell injections. From baseline to six months, they noticed patients without stem cells damage area increased by 5.1%, and patients with stem cells damage area decreased by 3% (Texas Heart). This study had positive affects, as did a similar one. Other scientists induced rats to have myocardial infarctions. They then extracted cardiac stem cells from the rats themselves and injected them back into the damaged area of the heart. Mortality rates decreased, and scientists noticed the aortic and myocardial walls became thicker to protect themselves from future problems (Beltrami, Barlucchi, Torella). From the use of stem cells, cardiovascular repair can greatly decrease mortality rates and increase quality of life for survivors.
Once the stem cells are derived from either the In Vitro Fertilization embryo, or the aborted fetus they are then put into a cell culture where they can grow. If the cells stay alive during this time period they are sent to other laboratories for research.
Is this the new cure for cancer?Embryonic stem cell are pluripotent stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst , an early-stage pre-implantation embryo.Embryonic stem cells , as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro. In an in vitro fertilization clinic-and then donated for research purposes. Debates over the ethics of embryonic stem cell research continue to divide scientists,politicians, and other religious groups. I agree with embryonic stem cells research because,women who couldn’t have kids are now able to have them through research.
However there are three methods into using stem cell research. One method is Adult Stem Cells (ASC), which are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body after development. These cells multiply by cell division, to replace and repair other ones. A less popular stem cells that is still in testing is Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS). Induced pluripotent stem cells “are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to be like an embryonic stem cell. Which are forced to express factors that are important for maintaining the properties of embryonic stem cells.” The process of IPS cells are showed in the image above from the person to the dish. Many scientist are wanting to do more research with these cells since they don’t use embryos. But the most popular and most effective is Embryonic Stem Cells (EPC). EPC comes from embryos. They remove the nucleus of the embryo and inject DNA from the adult cell into it. The egg begins dividing forming clumps of cells. After it forms a blastocyst the Stem cells are harvested and the embryo is destroyed. The process is also shown in the image above. Starting from a sperm to becoming ready in the dish for
Brief Intro I am here today to discuss Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. What are stem cells? As you know, most of your cells are specialized. For example, your blood cells or your heart cells.
Now adult Stem cells are found in many place of the body such as teeth, bone marrow, in the heart , as well as skeletal muscles, in your gut and even your liver. but not all organs and tissues.don't get me wrong there are some Stem cells in specific tissues of your body. and that’s where they will stay for years upon years. and while they are there they will divide and create new cell when the tissue has been