
Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

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In every human being a list of seemingly infinite cells and microbes exist, these cells feed on the nutrients from our body and use one another to help form the most sophisticated biological makeup on our planet. Occasionally and sometimes without a clear reason some cells break down, they lose their vigor or other outside elements tear them down. In this event, it causes certain functions of the body to malfunction causing potential negative outcomes. For example, your retinal cells can be coated with a virus or possibly just stop working properly one day subsequently leading to partial or full blindness. It can be a painful process and with no cure and little treatment a perfectly productive life can be completely stopped. However, in the …show more content…

This dilemma will not be solved until we are either all are religious, atheist or open-minded to a perspective not of our own. The latter has happened so very few times throughout history and even with that, no decision has ever been determined without some opposition. The only other solution to this is public health education and the scientific community to come together with everyone else. Many who do not condone stem cell research actually have little idea on what is used for and how it is harvested. In fact, a study found that 28% of americans have zero biology training, almost 50% discredit evolution saying it is unproven and one out of every four americans does not now the earth revolves around the sun. With this data it is clear that the american population when it comes to science is disturbingly uneven. Public health education then is the clearest course of action. In furthering to educate ourselves on health, biology, physics and chemistry these two opposing communities might be able to establish some kind of dialogue. Both pro-life and pro-science can look and interpret the scientific data that is present and use this knowledge to arrive at a logical concise conclusion. In the end, our perspectives on creation and life have to be of similar finalities and it is only then that we can come together and for the first time reach a close on the importance of stem cell

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