
Stem Cell Research Personal Statement

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The world of medical science is always evolving and advancing, progression in cancer treatments and stem cell research has shaped modern society. The benefits gained from these results can revolutionize not only people today but future generations as well; this drives my interest and I would cherish the opportunity to be part of a team that continues to make this happen. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, thankfully due to the advances made in radiography; she was diagnosed in the early stages, therefore saving her life. Seeing first hand, how important early diagnosis is and the importance of finding and pushing for new treatments fills me with huge amount of respect for the people involved where I see my future career. …show more content…

This led me to organise work experience at my local hospital. Here I saw many patients with varying levels of sickness; this allowed me to explore new treatments and has improved my confidence in working alongside people plus my organisational skills have enhanced, which I believe is key to success on university courses. I also saw a wide variety of cases in different wards; from an elderly woman with osteoporosis to a teenage boy with a broken foot. This developed the transferable skills of being able to communicate and empathise with people of all ages on a professional level. Soon after I organised work experience at Blizard Institute’s research department; this gave me an understanding into the part of medicine which can be over looked, yet vital in to the current and future state of public health. The work experience inspired me to research the effect of diseases further. I conducted a self-motivated project, EPQ, on the current topic of Ebola. Researching such a destructive disease has given me an insight into the works of different medical professionals and the work they do which benefits thousands of people across the world. A career in biomedical science, I believe, is highly rewarding and what I would like to strive

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