Stem cells are capable of doing an abundance of things in the world with the vast variety of tasks that they can accomplish. In certain ways stem cells can be seen as unsatisfactory, but the benefits outweigh the faults overall. Although some believe that the usage of stem cells is equivalent to “playing as god” (Stem 1), they can still benefit the world in how the cells are used. Stem cell therapy has many benefactors to it, and advanced research into it could benefit people all over the world. WIth more in depth research into stem cell therapy, lives could be improved and possibly saved. Incurable diseases now have a chance to be curable, and terminally sick people have a chance at life again. The research of this therapy is mandatory in …show more content…
Using the stem cells, multiple diseases and disorders can be reversed where one never before would think they could. Blindness was reversed in mice due to the effects of stem cells, giving them a chance to look at the world around them again. This outcome is the first step to gaining knowledge on reversing the effects for blindness in living humans as well as other disorders. Stem cells being able to be reprogrammed in ways that people need is extremely beneficial in helping and curing many people throughout the world. “This research characterizes the current state of scientific investigation into the world of blindness: virtually all human trials are far down the road, and any findings, so far, pertain only to the particular disease itself.” states Wilson (Wilson 1). This quote gives insight on how stem cells could be reprogrammed in ways needed, such as in the blindness case. Stem cell therapy can be beneficial in multiple instances, especially in reprogramming them to work as desired. Stem cell therapy needs to be researched more due to the methods they use to help the world in providing the populace with alternatives to developing their bodies back to their previous state, or getting their bodies to a condition they never were at
Stem cell research has been quite a controversial topic since its origin in the 1960s by Gopal Das and Joseph Altman. Of course, anything that uses a human embryo would be. Stem cell research could open a vast number of new doors for modern science, it could let us test new drugs, one of which could be the unfound cure for AIDS or Alzheimer’s disease. However, this branch of science comes at a high price, the price of a human life that is only five to six days
Through change and uttermost struggle, the people who care about a subject always seem to push through for what they believe in. For the sake of Embryonic Stem Cell research, the advocates tried their best to show the advancements stem cells may withhold, and for the people who disagree with the research, always seemed to put a new light on the subject, simply humanizing the research. Although the destruction of a human embryo is not something many people would view as ethical, it is something that could hold much promise for those who suffer from terminal illnesses (Sherley). When the miracle of assisting those who could not reproduce children through In Vitro Fertilization transpired the world of stem cell research was acquired (Tauer 924).
Many, as of currently incurable diseases plague the Earth. Thanks to technological advancements and better understandings of cells, scientists believe that it may be possible to cure diseases by the use of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells obtained from an embryo when they are only a few days old. Because they have only begun to differentiate, these cells have the capability of developing into any cell in the human body, and that's why they can be used for the progression of medicine. Scientists hope to cure some diseases but if that isn't possible they at least hope to create treatments using them.
The embryonic stem cells can become any type of cells that are needed. But the adult cells only can become a select few. And embryonic stem cells can be grown relatively easy. Totipotent is the most versatile cells they are made when a sperm cell reaches an egg and makes a fertilized egg. This is a totipotent egg which means it can become any cell that the body could need.
This source starts by talking about stem cells. Stem cells are the building blocks of every tissue on the human body. The research of stem cells has great potential to show just how effective it can be to heal any wound or disease. While adult stem cells are easily rejected, embryonic stem cells are much easier to use, can treat a greater variety of ailments, and are less likely to be rejected. Despite this, the use of embryonic stem cells are controversial due to the process of receiving them which is to kill a human embryo.
Embryonic Stem cells have led to a very long line of discussion. Whether to see it as immoral not to pursue research or immoral to pursue research, it is nonetheless very difficult to discuss. Questions are uncovered during this debate, for example, Is killing possible life (Embryos) lesser or greater than saving the already living, such as people with incurable diseases? The debate goes deeper and deeper into moral judgment and it doesn't matter whether you are religious or not in this argument because in both cases it is a life. But what if it didn't have to be a life? Further forms of research may be used to help save lives both from people who have incurable diseases and the embryos. If such research can be formed without a moral block, performance of such research should not be delayed. The possibility to save loved ones is incredible, to do so without victimizing women for embryos and killing those embryos, which could possibly behold life, only to maybe
There are many benefits of supporting stem cell research, and these benefits include saving the lives of people with critical diseases; “Stem cells are also helpful in potentially treating problems like repair or replace damaged organs, birth defects, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries and Alzheimer’s disease. If people get good treatment of such diseases, it will be beneficial for them as well as the society” (Joseph). This quote demonstrates many of the illnesses that stem cells can cure with the proper research. Many argue that stem cell research is unethical, however the possible outcomes say otherwise. Furthermore, these cells can also undergo the reproduction of more life saving cells on their own; “It is possible to grow embryonic stem cells for a year at the least in a few cases, particularly when well determined protocols are employed.
“Now science has presented us with a hope called stem cell research, which may provide our scientists with many answers that have for so long been beyond our grasp.” (Nancy Reagan). Most cells within our bodies perform one specialized task. Contrary to these single job cells are stem cells. These cells are unspecialized and can morph and perform any task that is needed within the body. However, the way that stem cells are harvested has caused a lot of controversy. The way that the stem cells are taken destroys the embryo. We should support the recent decision to allow embryonic stem-cell research in the United States and federally fund the work to use these stem cells to cure diseases. Better stem cell research would provide safer procedures and medical practices for everyone.
It has been I long time scenes we have spoking I Hope all is well. The other day I was reading this articles on stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research, Stem cell and embryonic stem cell research has all ready stared to help many people out like Katie Sharify in 2010 she had been in a car crash that damaged her spine, leaving her with no sensation from the chest down. Days after she learned that she would never walk again. So Her medical team provided a crash course in stem cell therapy to help Katie think things through. In this case the team had taken stem cells obtained from a five-day old embryo and converted them into cells that support communication between the brain and body. Those cells would be transplanted into the injured
Scientists have generally agreed that stem cells are vital to the science and medical field for they may be the solution to treat and even cure several serious medical conditions. However, not all the types of the stem cell research is widely accepted. For instance, the Embryonic Stem Cell Research, which in recent years has been largely debated in the United States. This is due to the two major arguments following this research. One, embryonic stem cell research is necessary to unravel the possibility of improving human life. Two, embryonic stem cell research involves the abortion of potential human life. It is a debate whether the life of an individual suffering from a fatal illness or injury is more priceless, or the life of a human at one
Incurable and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer cause death of millions of people annually. Scientists use drugs to treat symptoms, but they don’t have effective therapies for cure these diseases. Embryonic stem cells have treatment potential due to their pluripotent characteristic, which means that they can develop into any cell of the human body. Some people oppose embryonic stem cell research since they think it violates human rights and thus should not be allowed to pursue. However, embryonic stem cell research is ethical since five-day-old embryos lack most of the human characteristics, embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure degenerative diseases, and they are better to other kinds
Intellectual Integrity is being disciplined and true to one’s self along with holding others to the same standard. Having this type of virtue, one has to have the constant mind set and demeanor in order to maintain and influence others. Moreover, setting this virtue as a high priority along with maintaining will encourage others to do the same. I experience this as a leader in the military wanting and expected to maintain a high-level of integrity and I expect the same from my leaders, peers, and subordinates. Consequently, if we compromise our intellectual integrity, we become inconsistent and unconsciously contradictive; this brings mixed messages to the audiences and causes our thinking and actions to be an intellectual hypocrisy (Paul
Because of stem cells regenerative qualities, many scientists hypothesize that eventually we can use stem cells on a large scale to assist us to regenerate damaged tissue within the body especially when transitioning organ donations, or prosthetics into an individual, ultimately making it a safer practice.
Improved technologies in science and health has led to the elongation of human life. Even with this progress, there are still illnesses and injuries that cannot be treated. The use of stem cells to treat patients is a relatively new, but promising, area of science. Although there are several types of stem cells, most people think of embryonic stem cells when discussing stem cell research. While this cell type has shown the most potential, it brings up ethical dilemmas. Negative opinions associated with stem cell research due to embryonic stem cells hinder prospective studies. Stem cell research offers potential therapies, but the procurement of embryos and the destruction of the embryo to isolate embryonic stem cells leads to problems with
Both Etruscan and Roman tomb sculpture function to memorialize the departed allowing them to move on from the world of the living and seeks to comfort those who have lost the ones they love. The two societies have differing practices in regards to death and therefore sculptures concerning the subject are somewhat different with a few identifiable similarities. While both societies seek to comfort the living and commemorate the dead this is achieved through different approaches. The Etruscan Sarcophagus with reclining couple from Cerveteri, Italy and the Mummy of Artemidorus from Roman Egypt are two examples of contrasting representations of the dead. When analyzing tomb sculpture one of the main questions is whether the work adapts a retrospective approach (presentation of the deceased as they were in life) or a prospective one (the viewpoint of looking forward to life beyond the grave). While the Etruscan sarcophagus gives a more retrospective memorialization through the depiction of the couple in a state of regularity the Roman Mummy of Artemidorus presents a more prospective approach concerning the deceased through the emphasis of funerary practices.