The dazzling doors of glory and distinction finally appear to open for Julien Sorel when he is engaged to Mathilde de la Mole, the daughter of the Marquis. However, “all is lost” when Julien’s former lover, Madame de Rênal, pens a letter to the Marquis, accusing Julien of being a swindling seducer of naïve women in attempts to elevate his social status. Julien reads this letter, returns to Verrières, and proceeds to shoot Mme de Rênal. This drastic act destroys Julien’s rise from the son of a carpenter to a respected lieutenant and leaves him in a cell with only his thoughts to keep him company. The abruptness and unexpected nature of his actions, his musings in the cell, and the lack of consistency in his passions indicate that Julien’s true wish is to be freed of an unjust society built upon fakery. Toward the end of the novel, it is revealed who Julien …show more content…
In earlier sections, Stendhal chooses to detail Julien’s inner torment. When Julien is anguished by his inability think clearly after Mme de Rênal speaks to him harshly, he proceeds to “throw himself at her feet and embrace her knees…he melted into tears” (96). Similarly, when Mathilde expresses her regret as to the consummation of their affair, Julien, he is left helpless and his anguish is described in detail. When he is helpless in the matter of Mme de Rênal, Julien behaves sincerely, and his willingness to reveal a sense of weakness in front of Mme de Rênal allows him to win over her heart. When he is helpless in the matter of Mathilde, he pretends to pursue another woman with whom Mathilde is acquainted, indulging in fakery, yet still winning the girl’s heart. However, when he attempts to murder Mme de Rênal, Stendhal offers to the reader no insight as to what Julien is thinking, aside from his statement that he cannot blame the Marquis for refusing to allow him to marry his
he a question he will now answer it, he will just ask a question back.
Edouard, Sarah’s father in-law, was forever traumatized into silence about seeing Sarah return to the apartment to find her dead brother. Edouard had nightmares and would never forget what he had witnessed. As Julia read Edouard a letter from Genevieve to Gaspard’s family about Sarah, her life, and her now joining the DuFaure family “He sounded like he was crying, but he appeared to be doing everything he could to make me think he wasn’t” (195). Seeing Sarah return to the apartment to find her brothers dead body locked away had been a defining moment in Edouard’s life and being able to hear the letter about Sarah’s new and better childhood with the DuFaure’s he gained some closure, at least Sarah found a great family after what she had gone through. William Rainsferd was also greatly affected by learning about his mothers true identity. He rethought his entire life, caught in a whirlwind of emotions and new information, and finally at the very end of the book made peace with the new knowledge and used it to better his life. His life was forever changed by learning more about
The Hate List follows the main character, Valerie. Valerie is a complex character who undergoes a massive change throughout the book. The beginning of the book shows Valerie, a high school student, who struggles with a wide range of emotions such as anger, frustration, and isolation. She is in a relationship with her boyfriend, Nick, and their relationship can be described as toxic. The two of them become intertwined in his plan, which is to create a “hate list” of the people they dislike.
Birling strongly believes that “a man has to make his own way – has to
Throughout the study of JB Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’, it is easy to identify that there are many points in which this text both conforms and subverts to the conventions of the mystery genre. The author explores the archetypal mystery genre through firstly, the dead body and murder of Eva Smith, as well as the clues and motives that are revealed throughout the investigation. This is further followed by the series of intertwining characters, and the inquiry of their involvement in the death. However, this typical mystery text can be contradicted by the fact that this death was not a murder, but a suicide case, changing the expectations to instead of who killed her, but what were the lead up in events to result in Eva killing herself.
has now been removed. To him, now that she is no longer a threat to
A part of the book that really surprised me was what Helmuth said in the courtroom. After he and his friends were charged with conspiracy to commit high treason, Justice Fikes asked the boys if they had anything to say. None of Helmuths friends had anything to say, but when it was his turn he let all of his feelings out. Helmuth stated, “All I did was tell the truth, and you have sentenced me to die, just for telling the truth. My time is now but your time will come!” This was the most surprising part of the book to me for many reasons. First, Helmuth was already in major trouble and was very close to be sentenced to die. Also, anything negative said about the nazis was a major crime back then. Then after when Helmuth is asked by Rudi -
In the play, An Inspector Calls, the character of Eric is presented in a myriad of ways. When the audience is first introduced to Eric, he is proven to be juvenile and ignorant - shown by his nonchalance towards his sister’s marriage and Birling’s advice. As the play develops however, it become clear that this most likely was inherited from his parents, who don’t even acknowledge the existence of the working class as being human beings. In Birling’s factory, the working class are de-humanised as they enter and become lifeless droids - who have no need for the luxuries of money nor a roof over their heads, not to mention sanitary conditions – whose lives are simply parts in a factory which can be replaced effortlessly. Furthermore, Mrs
example of this when Mr. Birling says, "Have a glass of port - or a
is least to blame out of the 5, he bought a little enjoyment into her
J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls I think that an "Inspector Calls" is about the discriminations between different classes and sexes, it conveys a lot of messages about these topics and uses An Inspector - a mysterious, curt individual who makes an unexpected call on an upper middle class, very opinionated family named the Birlings. The inspector seems to invade their own little world - upsetting a celebration of theirs, forcing them to realise the truth - they all contributed to the death of a young, working class girl with what should have been years ahead of her, instead these were snatched away by a greedy, insensitive and selfish chain of events, all down to the Birlings. The girls name was
The Role of the Inspector in an An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley All three acts, which are continuous, take place in the dinning room of the Birlings' house in Brumley, an industrial city in the North Midlands. Mr Birling his wife Mrs Birling and his son Eric are celebrating the engagement of his daughter Sheila and Gerald Croft. An Inspector calls round to question the family on the death a girl called Eva Smith who committed suicide by drinking strong disinfectant because she was very depressed.
William Shakespeare is widely known for his astounding work in playwriting, and it has been said that his plays carry the common theme of tragedy. Macbeth has been named as one of Shakespeare’s most influential tragic heroes, and there are several contributing factors to this statement that are seen throughout the play. According to Aristotle, Greek philosopher, a story must contain three elements to be considered a tragedy. These elements are also known as ‘hamartia,’ which describes a hero that carries a tragic flaw, ‘peripeteia,’ which signifies a change in one’s circumstances and finally ‘anagnorisis,’ or the moment in a play when a character makes a critical discovery. Many have described that Macbeth’s extreme ambition, the three witches’
Villefort was the prosecutor. He had an affair with Danglar 's wife and they had an illegitimate child together. The supposedly buried it alive years earlier. Villefort 's wife Heloise is devoted to her son Edward. Villefort 's daughter from his first marriage is named Valentine. She is also in love with Maximillian Morrel, the son of the captain who helped Edmond earlier. Heloise has been posoning Valentine so that her son will inherit everything (she actually poisons and tries to poison a lot of people, but Valentine is the only one that is very important to the plot). Edmond has been slipping Valentine an antidote though so that when she "dies" is will only be a sleep from which she will awake, in very Romeo and Juliet fashion. Danglars has been trying to sell his daughter into marriage with a man that says he is a prince. As it turns out though, the "prince" is actually the illegitimate child that was saved by the man who was supposed to bury him. The count sonpored him to come in the disguise of Prince Andrea Cavoralliti. Caderousse, a crook and the only person who helped that did not beomce rich later, tried to blackamail Andrea. He then kills Caderousse. Charges are then brought against him, Villefort admits in court that he is the father. He tries to flee with his wife and son (Valentine is already "dead") only to find that his wife poisoned herself and her son. He then goes mad and
Marie, Meursault’s girlfriend, is extremely emotionally attached to Meursault, and this is a weakness. Marie is dependent on Meursault as her source of happiness, even though Meursault does not show that he really cares about Marie. When asked if he loved her, he replied “it didn’t mean anything and that [he] probably didn’t love her” (41). Most people would despise being in a relationship in which they’re unloved by their partner. However, Marie stays with Meursault, even if he does not actually love her. Marie staying in a relationship where she is not even loved, is the result of her being emotionally attached to someone who does not feel the same way about her.