
Step 1: Gather Background Information . This Case Study,

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Step 1: Gather Background Information This case study, finalized and updated onto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, talks about the Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Wandsworth Infections Linked to Veggie Booty. Publishing this outbreak onto their website makes it very beneficial and helps the public realize the importance of food health. Food health is just as important as overall public health. It is essential because people need to consume food in order to live, and if their food is tainted or contaminated, it would cause health problems and sickness and in some extreme cases, death. Ensuring food health will overall promote public health in the long run. Salmonella causes one million foodborne illnesses in the United …show more content…

Many of these patients were aged 10 months to 3 years old.

Step 2: Analyze the Current Situation The company was informed of these cases which ultimately lead them to issue a recall on June 28, 2007. People were advised to not eat the snack and throw it away. The Minnesota Department of Agricultural Laboratory isolated different strains of Salmonella they found from the sealed bags of Veggie Booty. They found strains of Salmonella Wandsworth and Salmonella Typhimurium. In addition to recalling the Veggie Booty snack, the company also decided to recall the snack, Super Veggie Tings Crunchy Corn Sticks snack. The reason for the recall of this snack was because the company was concerned about the ingredients used in the Super Veggie Tings Crunchy Corn Sticks. Although no complaints or lawsuits were filed again the Super Veggie Tings snack, the company was concerned about the fact the both snack share similar ingredients. A strength of the company was that it was quick to recall the snack and inform its customers before they get into any other trouble. A weakness was that the company failed to provide a healthy snack and at the time, had to face the consequences of sale decrease. An opportunity would be for the company to realize the importance of food health and to promote it even more than they did before. A threat the company faced was the lack of care when handling food. This threat caused the sickness in its

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