
Stephen Guise: Mini Habits, Bigger Results

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Stephen Guise in his book “Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results”, he mentioned how was not interested in working out and that he couldn’t keep up with an exercise regimen. He then with a “mini habit” of an effortless push-up a day and it being so insignificant led to him to have the motivation to do more repetitions and therefore leading him joining the gym months later. He meant a habit that is “stupid small, too small to fail”, and doesn’t require too much will power and eventually become part of a routine. Minimal Efforts, Bigger Results When I first the book “Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results”, by Stephen Guise, it intrigued me on thinking of how smaller habits can yield bigger results. I wanted to know what he really meant …show more content…

Minimal efforts in the emergency room department let to me being approached by my director and asking me to become charge nurse of my opposite team. Guise, stated in his book “be the person with embarrassing goals and impressive results instead of one of the many people with impressive goals and embarrassing result. Those small minimal efforts which I never thought would recognized led to me running the 26-bed emergency room with two doctors, two nurse practioners, and 15 other staff members. Planning and Accomplishing a Habit He developed a mini-habit called, “Eight- Step Plan”, where he starts making me chose a goal to be carried and the approach. I am going to mention some of his steps that helped transition into accomplishing a habit. His first step is, “Choose your stupid small mini habits”, Guise, made it clear that the habit should be stupid small and easy to accomplish, so I decided to MINI HABITS 3 try his tactic. My “mini habit” was to every Sunday night have the refrigerator stuffed with healthy food, fruit, and juices that way every time my two-year-old son says “papa” and …show more content…

The diet program started from October-December, and I did it with no difficulty and I had no idea about this book. Guise stated, “you already have all the inspiration you need but it may be dormant, awaken it by mini habit”. I continued during the weeks and continued eating my main source of protein being chicken and one time beef during the week my earing lifestyle was getting very boring and monotonous. As I was reading the book Guise stated, “the difference between winner and losers is that losers quit when things get boring and monotonous. Motivation played a big role on me sticking to my plan, the effects and seeing transformation results kept me going. It was getting “boring and monotonous” but I like my results and that is what kept me going. Guise stated, “Every giant accomplishment is made of small steps anyway and to take them one at a time like this is not weak but precise”. At the end of 12 weeks I had lost pounds, gained some muscle mass, increased cardio endurance, noticed physical change, and an increase in energy. Rewards from Routine Habits In the book “21 Habits: A Wellness Survival Guide” by Michael Guercio and

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