Stephen King’s novella, “The Body”, tells the story of a group of four boys, Gordie, Chris, Vern, and Teddy, who are all twelve and transitioning into junior high. The novella starts off with the four boys living their normal childish lives in their home town, Castle Rock. One day, Vern comes up to the other boys and talks about seeing a dead body, the body of Ray Brower. All the other boys agree to it and create the lie that fools their parents. The lie leads up to boys starting their two and a half day long journey to find the dead body at the end of Harlow road. Not knowing what lied ahead of them, the boys start on the tracks and feel a connection with each other that they have to see the body. Along the way there’s a storm, Ace’s gang …show more content…
Gordie was the most intelligent in the group, but the most unrecognized by his parents, “Your big brother was the one they cared about”, even the other boys know this. (King, 436) He was generally the serious one in the group, who liked to have fun with caution. Throughout the first half of the book, Gordie is excited and enthusiastic like the other boys. Then the boys start to have many close-calls, including Teddy almost getting hit by a train, and the older Gordie describes it as “A Gordon Lachance halfway along in the process of losing the shine”. (King, 373) These close-calls and bad experiences start to affect the general emotion Gordie has over the journey and he starts to realize it was pointless and death should not be treated in such a manner thus maturing. However, Gordie decides to continue on the journey in order to see the body for himself even if he was scared. Upon finding the body, Gordie makes everyone leave the body there after a realization that death was something they should not get credit from and as an adult he makes this book after losing all three of his friends. The fact that he drives off into the distance and cries alone shows how he felt about death and how much he cared about Chris showing the result of his coming of age. While Gordie shows the most coming of age, Chris is the other boy who shows a copious amount of coming of …show more content…
With this, Chris is the only one in the group who can make peace easily and keep everyone friends. Early on in the book, Chris is tough and enthusiastic. He gets the boys to keep on going and reach the body, however, on the way Chris starts to realize that death is always close and that he will have to work hard to get past prejudice on him. This is seen when he talks about Teddy and how he could have died from the tree fall and the milk money experience, “it was as if he had lived that whole life already.”, which Gordie points out. (King, 438) The milk money incident is where Chris firsts comes of age because he realizes that he is seen as a bad kid and no one believes him, he shows this realization when he says “Just suppose I told that story. Me, Chris Chambers. Kid brother of Frank Chambers and Eyeball Chambers ---- But maybe I’ll try to work myself up.”(King, 439-440) Overtime, Chris grows and continues to build up a slight desire to try harder in school, and this leads to the final realization towards the end of the book when cries and decides to work hard to go to college which works, but he gets stabbed. As for Teddy and Vern, they showed little to none
In Stephen King’s semi-autobiographical novella The Body and its film version Stand by Me, Gordon---or “Gordy,” for short, a loving, middle-aged father and author, reflect on the journey he experienced back in 1959/1960; the first time he saw a dead body. “Adult Gordy” narrates the story of the unforgettable two-day journey he went on with his best friends at the time, Teddy, Vern, and Chris. Along the way, “Childhood Gordy” was searching for answers; questioning the problems within his family, his identity, and the strength of his friendships. As he self-reflects, now with more wisdom and maturity, Adult Gordy learns lessons that substantially differed from those learned by his 12-going-on-13-year-old self.
During Chris’s journey he never really opens up to anyone about his family. He doesn’t really show any affection towards them and if any it would be toward his sister Carnie. He writes in a letter to her stating that he is going to divorce his parents. The last time his parents saw him was after his graduation. Chris told his parents “ I think I’m going to disappear for a while” and that is the last they ever heard of him again.
After one graduates from college; there are several things that happen. Generally people go out and find a job and become useful to society. They go out and find a nice girl to marry and have children. Life becomes more or less systematic and repetitive. Chris gave up all of these to chase a wild dream that inevitably led to his death. Chris was a selfish child. He exhibited many of the
As far a Chris was concerned Christopher Johnson McCandless was dead. There was no more Chris as long as he was concerned his name was Alex and that was it. There was no college degree, no parents, no luxuries or free money. From now on he worked for everything he needed to survive and he started his new life bound for new territory.
The film showcased Gordie’s thoughts and growth with his friends. From his exterior of a young lad, wimpy and afraid, he had managed to mature in to an independent and confident individual. In the beginning of the film, he had been described, by himself, as a weird guy, since he wasn’t like his late brother, who was the favorite. He loved writing and was good at it, but the unfortunate reality he was in was comparison from his parents, who would rather have a popular kid with ‘normal’ friends later, made him diss his own passion. And this practice developed and later on gave him enough fright to accept his invisibility.
Chris remains one of the leaders, but even at times presents a problem to the group. He has a very tough attitude and almost gets his eye burned out in the beginning trying to stand up against bigger, tougher kids. At the end of the movie he almost gets attacked with a knife for mouthing off to the same group of kids, but Gordie bailed him out. By standing up against difficult group members Gordie really showed his leadership skills.
In the novella The Body, author Stephen King makes an attempt to explain a story about losing innocence, only to be replaced by maturity and the corruption that comes with it. To do so, King revolves a story around a group of four boys who go on a life changing journey to find a dead body they heard about through the grape vine. Little did they know that pursuing this journey would eventually change them for the worse. In its entirety, the crux of the novella was to show how the experience of meeting death hands-on will pivot a person’s life and will either lead them onto a slippery slope or mold them in to a man soon to be. More specifically, King reinforces this theme beautifully by using light imagery during the
An important aspect of the important relationship between Chris and Gordie is the strength of their friendship. This is shown in the incident of Gordie’s cap being stolen by Ace and Eyeball. Chris sticks up for
Before his father’s death, Gogol struggles with his name and being pulled between two cultures, and is at a point in his life where he is least comfortable with himself. Gogol dates
Para 1: An illustration of how self-discovery is supplied in the film can be shown through the lead character, Gordie. At the beginning of the film Gordie Lachance is distinguished as a very sensitive, intelligent and unconfident person, who has lost and older brother and is ignored by his parents, this makes it very difficult for Gordie to believe he can achieve his
Chris is a charismatic young man, but takes extensive measures to ensure he does not become too close with anyone. By going out into the wild without so much as a letter to his parents,
Adult Gordy, who is supposed to be a portrayal of present day King, went on a journey of his own through self reflection. This was far from a cruise down memory lane to Gordy, tapping into these memories meant reliving all of the very incidents that shaped him into who he is today. Friendships are one of the most enjoyable part of our lives, especially when we are young, reckless, and naive. For young Gordy, the friendships he had helped him stay true to himself and do what he loves best: writing. It was young Gordy’s best friend, Chris Chambers, that managed to convince him to stay a writer
He comes from what Gordy describes as a ?bad family?, and believes himself to be bad too. His self-fulfilling prophecy would be to turn out as bad as everyone in town believes that he will. Gordy sees the good in him, and pushes him to be more than Chris perceives he is capable of being. Chris is the group leader. The others in the group value his opinion, and he is the protector. He sticks up for the rest of the boys, and they look up to him. One example of this is when Ace, an older, bullying local, steals Gordy?s hat. He verbally attacks the older bully, on behalf of Gordy. His presenting self is confident, independent, and tough. Inwardly, or his perceived self, is incapable, and destined to become nothing, primarily caused by the locals, and his family continually reminding him that he comes from a family of trouble, so he must trouble too.
In the Novel the body by Stephen king The Character Gordie Lachance is a very girfted kid. Gordie is very creative having the ability to create stories for his friends and he also like writing stories. Gordie is also has good teamwork skills being able to act efficient in a group of people. Gordie was also neglected but he still managed to be successful.
After that, we see Chris that totally breaks down and passes his anger on a retarded one-legged villager. He yells at him and shoots near his foot to make him dance. He is acting like Barnes, unlike the heads. Bunny is there and he goes crazy and decides to kill the boy and his grand-mother. Chris witnesses that and does nothing, he just freezes horrified. Later in the scene, Barnes shoots the wife of a villager to make him talk and after that he put a gun on the head of the man’s daughter and he threatens him to shoot her if he does not talk. Chris freezes again and does nothing to stop Barnes and then, Elias intervenes and fights with Barnes. After that, we see some soldiers that are going to rape some children, but Chris, inspired by Elias acts, does not freeze that time and stops them. He takes the children away and we see Elias standing a little farther behind them. Elias does not say anything to tell him he was right, but we know he is proud of what Chris did and from that point Elias becomes the mentor of Chris. We could say that the village scene is a really important scene where Chris struggle to keep control of himself and that finally, he realizes that Barnes is evil and that he must follow Elias.