
Stereotypes: A Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Lately the news cycle has been dominated by extreme violence, one of the main protagonists in these news is race. Particularly black people being assassinated. This trend even though poignant, is not new to us, as citizens of the twenty-first century. The world is beautiful, but also a dangerous place, we have famines, plagues and wars. The world changes all the time and this can be scary. People deal with these fears in different ways; some chose to adapt, some futilely fight to conserve the illusion of the present. Some chose to extend their hand to help their brothers through times of crisis, some, out of fear, chose to close the door when those who need help knock. Fear evolves into hate, and hate gives birth to the wort side of humanity. We are our worst when we hate, the world has seen the birth of hate groups, such as The KKK, Nazi Party, ISIS, Extreme Black Separatists movements etc. A Kraken, is the beast that represent these hate groups, they are all different tentacles coming from the same head: Hate. And the tentacles, hate groups, the only one thing that separates one tentacle from another is who they bind and kill. The Neo Nazis are one example of fear channeled through hate, Neo Nazis believe that the Arian (white) race is superior to all other races. Moreover they believe that it is their duty to maintain the Arian race pure …show more content…

Even though we have not achieved a multicural society where there is equality in every aspect of society we are a fairly diverse society and chances are, that an employer, professor, coworker and or classmate will be a different race of the one of the member of a hate group. This member will be incredibly affected by his/her views. Shortening the amount of people that the member can relate too. Not to mention that holding racist views is viewed as a bad quality by

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