The low rumble reverberated through its victims’ ears. Like statues, everyone stayed still; too frightened to deliberate on what may happen if they dared move a muscle. Looks were shared from across the small courtyard, everyone wide eyed and shaken. In between the madness I heard a sparse bellowing sound from close by.
“AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS!” a precarious voice shared, “NOW!”
It was almost as if my legs and I no longer shared a body as I attempted to briskly stand up.
The danger of a single story is that they let the powerful downgrade the weaker because they create stereotypes, they can hurt the people, and no one gets represented from the culture.
and it closed softly behind me, the blades snick-ing back into their places and the alarm re-engaging behind my back. I looked around, keeping perfectly still with my body pressed into the shadows against the door, my eyes narrowed and my breath coming and going silently through my mouth. The room was bare except for a white block about the size of a
This study focuses on the how different people response to different targets based on the race of the target based on their stereotypes. This study was brought on by the shooting and killing of an unarmed black man named Amadou Diallo who was thought to be an alleged rapist that the police were looking for. It is thought that the police officers shot Diallo based off of his race and stereotyping. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the police officers would have still treated Diallo the same way if he was White. The results were that stereotypes played a role in how fast an armed and unarmed African American male is shot and how fast an armed an unarmed White male is shot. Overall, African Americans were shot more whether they
RaStereotyping is a way of thinking about groups of people. It ignores the differences of the group, while emphasizing its similarity. One belief, that is a stereotype, is that red-haired people are hot tempered. Another belief is that Scottish people are stingy. Such thinking ignores many even-tempered redheads and generous Scottish people. Stereotyping emphasizes many differences between groups while ignoring their similarities to other people. It ignores that many blond and brown-haired people also lose their tempers. Stereotyping overlooks the fact that many American, Brazilians and French people are stingy.
“This woman could’ve lived. Instead, she chose to commit suicide rather than face life alone. Rather than face an eternity in some dungeon.” Kat took a deep breath and spoke loudly and firmly, “This is what your maxims do to people.”
The past was best left in the past. Forgotten and ignored, buried in oblivion, and omitted from the present. That’s how one survives. That’s how one gets from day to day without breaking down in a puddle of mush. It didn’t work to face the problem, to confront it head on with the conception that you could overcome. That was just a fantasy, like fairy tale stories it was unrealistic. I learned the way to survive is by stuffing the invasion of feelings that surface when the bloodcurdling past threatens to suffocate you. If PHDs were awarded for perfecting this talent I would be first on the list to receive one. At least I thought so, at least up until this point it was my greatest ally and friend. But looking into the mirror now trying to focus
Lately the news cycle has been dominated by extreme violence, one of the main protagonists in these news is race. Particularly black people being assassinated. This trend even though poignant, is not new to us, as citizens of the twenty-first century. The world is beautiful, but also a dangerous place, we have famines, plagues and wars. The world changes all the time and this can be scary. People deal with these fears in different ways; some chose to adapt, some futilely fight to conserve the illusion of the present. Some chose to extend their hand to help their brothers through times of crisis, some, out of fear, chose to close the door when those who need help knock. Fear evolves into hate, and hate gives birth to the wort side of humanity. We are our worst when we hate, the world has seen the birth of hate groups, such as The KKK, Nazi Party, ISIS, Extreme Black Separatists movements etc. A Kraken, is the beast that represent these hate groups, they are all different tentacles coming from the same head: Hate. And the tentacles, hate groups, the only one thing that separates one tentacle from another is who they bind and kill. The Neo Nazis are one example of fear channeled through hate, Neo Nazis believe that the Arian (white) race is superior to all other races. Moreover they believe that it is their duty to maintain the Arian race pure
We have the ability to completely block out things and people we are not focused on. They become invisible and we can only see the things that align with what we are focused on.
It was ten minutes until the start of class when they approached me. Donning dark jeans, fresh highlights, and an air of seventh grade superiority, these two girls had caught wind of a rumor and had come to see if it held any truth. “We heard you were adopted,” one said to me. “Is that true?” I was flushed with a mixture of shame and embarrassment, the girls’ stares piercing me as I grappled with my response. I was faced with two options: either admit it, which seemed as attractive a choice as gnawing off one’s leg; or lie, denying what I knew to be a fact. Deciding, I turned to the two girls, looked them straight in the eye, and muttered, “I don’t know who told you that but it’s a lie. I wasn’t adopted.” Their eyebrows furrowed together and my heart seized in my chest, hoping they wouldn’t interrogate me further, praying they would believe me. After an
As I claimed the faded, chipped three blue steps of the bus, when I looked up I saw my fellow class mates, or as I called them Idiots of the World. There was three people in a one set, making them look like rats in a small cage squealing uncontrollably to be released. They kept turning over the papers, now wet and ripped, to their friends. They must have split up to find answers, or they were hopping the other got the answers they didn't bother to even attempt to get.
I am sitting in the back of a stranger’s car on the way to a cemetery as a little girl in a yellow tutu arranges her bobble head pets that seem to emerge one after the other from her white sparkle purse on the seat between us. We both communicate through hand signals while I help her feed plastic carrots to the bobble headed dog and eventually by parroting the sounds she makes manage to stumble through the entire alphabet in Croatian.She laughs at my funny pronunciation, and I smile at her enthusiasm for spelling every passing sign. Not twenty minutes ago I was sitting in a cafe on my first day out of the bustle that is Zagreb on a lazy Saturday afternoon trying to reconcile the images from my news clips and history books in my head with those
Disclaimer the people in this story are real people and if there are “ that means that the male character is talking, no “means the a female character is talking also when there is thin text that means the narrator is talking. There once was a girl who had no friends she was what they called a nerd. this girl had lovely brown,red,and blond hair ,she wore black glasses with braids. almost all the other students avoided her, but she didn’t care, she somewhat liked being lonely. One day someone came up to her and said “hello” What do u want “ ummm….”
“Are you sure you’re bi? Like one hundred percent?” my mother asked, “You’re still so young mija, you’re probably just confused.” She was wrong. In fact, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I came out to my mom when I was fifteen years old.
Stereotype- a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group (Dictionary). In simpler words, stereotypes are judgments based on actions of an individual or small group, thought to be true about the rest of that group. Stereotypes refer to individuals perceptions that typically do not correspond to reality. A stereotype is a picture in the head, not an accurate mirror of the real world. Gender stereotypes, as well as many other stereotypes, possess falseness and are not always correct. Not only do gender stereotypes contain false assumptions, but can have lasting impacts of those who are
As I walked out of my nine-story apartment complex, I saw an interesting array of faces. Mixed genders, some male, some female, all very different deep down inside. I study their faces, wondering what it'd be like to walk a day in their shoes. Some people are like open books, you can look at their facial expression and instantly guess what their emotions are, yet others are like locked diaries. You can't tell what they're thinking and you'll probably never know. I shake the thought out of my head as I rummage through my pathetic excuse of a handbag, pulling out my most recent bank statement. Thirty-two cents to my name. How do I live like this? My train of thought is lost as my mind ponders elsewhere. Do you think people can tell I'm a broke