
Stereotypes In Disney Movies

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Animated movies are, broadly speaking, known for introducing children to the amazing world of fantasy. They can help jumpstarting the young minds into learning. The problem is the harmless characters and themes are not entirely harmless as through these movies children step into learning about morals and values which are, to some extent, stereotyped. Consequently, children’s idea about these ideologies becomes distorted and damaged. The viewpoint of the child who is growing up watching these films can be affected and the child may have racialized idea of beauty imbedded into his/her mind by Disney. The unwanted negative elements that are portrayed in Disney movies can construct an illusion and vile ideal about beauty among children. Parents …show more content…

Ariel is very beautiful in every possible way one can imagine. She has bright blue eye resembling the ocean, her blonde hair shines brighter than gold, and her smile is mesmerizing and magical. Ariel is the princess of the sea! The only problem is she is half-human with a huge fish-tail. She seems to have a free-soul who desperately craves for freedom. She keeps trying to achieve everything she desires. At one point of the story, she finds independence as she leaves her father. Though her father, Triton seems very upset as he is fully aware of the danger outside the ocean. On the contrary, Ariel is seen so enchanted by her freedom that she literally forgets about her family. But everything falls apart real soon when she agrees to have a “Mephistophelean” pact with the sea goddess Ursula. Ariel states that she is ready to trade her voice if Ursula grants her a pair of legs. Having legs is more important to her than having voice as a pair of legs will allow her pursuing Prince Eric, the love of her life. Even though she had never talked to Prince Eric, she claims to love him unconditionally! Here, what shocks utterly is the fact that Ursula herself states that losing voice does not matter much as men do not like women …show more content…

Chasing Prince Eric seems more challenging to Ariel than she had imagined. After facing a lot of troubles, finally she gets to meet her Prince Charming who is astonished to see her in the most unexpected place. They do not talk to each other – Ariel is unable to talk as she traded her voice and Prince Eric does not feel the urgency to ask for anything. Things get even worse Prince Eric attempts his “kiss of true love” without even hearing once from Ariel. They kiss each other and they start living happily ever

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