
Stereotypes In Movies Essay

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“The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story” ( LaVigne, Kelly). Our society groups people the same way and don’t consider their differences. For example individuals see a girl that’s skinny and automatically assume she’s anorexic or see a tall person and assume they’re good at basketball. Stereotypes effect the way people see the world whether they’re true or untrue. Stereotypes give a fixed mindset on things because humans feel it isn’t always necessary to be open minded and learn the information needed before judging. Stereotypes can be defined as people putting labels on other people or things just because they have a fixed mindset of how they should …show more content…

To support my statement the reporter Erin Grier said, “The first major-studio-backed romantic comedy with a gay teen protagonist” (Grier). This represents how the filmmakers added a twist to their movie. The stereotype in this situation is that people expect to see a romance story about a boy and a girl since that’s the area that most filmmakers stick to when they’re not as open minded to the thought of having same sex relationships. The society that we live in today can be very judgmental towards the LGBT community. Filmmakers make movies to make moneyz so considering how the society is very judgmental towards things like same sex relationships they're going to avoid putting that in their movies since they wouldn’t make as much money as they’d want. Furthermore, another quote from the article to prove my statement is when Erin Grier says, “Simon knows his parents will accept him. The film fails to recognize what it feels like to when parents do not agree with their child’s sexuality” (Grier). This is showing that some teens struggle with coming out to their parents because they’re afraid of what they might say since they see how people are getting judged for being different in todays

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