
Stereotypes In TED Talk

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In life, we all struggle with some type of stereotypical thing, it could be from; family, friends, strangers, or even neighbors. In the the TED Talk video, chimamanda Adichie states, “the only fear is created by stereotypes.” Walking down the street everyday, imagine what people talk about one’s person, we think as a society about one another in many ways. I personally could relate to Adichie about her experiences when she came to the U.S. when she went to a university, by using my sociological imagination, being able to out myself in her shoes is living on a regular bases. Many people stereotype and look at each other based off the way they looks, where they come from, the gender, and sometimes even religion or ethnicity. Based off one stereotypical …show more content…

Personally connection to this question, I been in this situation before. My family moved into this neighborhood that wasn’t very diverse, it was mainly white people who lived in the neighborhood. When we moved in I just had the feeling that i didn’t belong in the neighborhood. When I ride my bike or skateboard people would watch me as if “black people don’t do things like that.” From going back to Adichie’s time when she went to the university bring back up the quote when her roommate saw her, she said “ she felt sorry.” when her roommate felt sorry I could understand why because she wasn’t expecting some from Nigeria to speak english. From the story, Superman and Me, Alexie would be criticized of not being able to read as an “Indian boy.” I’m from Jamaica, and when I tell people where I’m from they always say these exact words, “you guys be smoking that good stuff huh?” this tells me that when they see a Jamaican they see a person that smokes weed all the time but actually not Jamaicans smoke weed. As a one nation look people from the outside and not the in, we judge people by looks and not feelings. There is an saying “don’t judge book by it's cover” because you don’t know what their situation

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