
Stereotypes In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Throughout the story of To Kill a Mockingbird many assumptions or stereotypes were made based on what they saw or heard. First off, Boo Radley, who is a tall mistreated boy, has rumors about him that make people think he is a freak. Next is Tom Robinson, a tall black man who was accused of raping a woman named Mayella. He was found guilty based on the color of his skin and the assumption that African Americans are bad people. Finally is Scout, a 6 year old girl who is the daughter of Atticus and sister of Jem. Most people look at her as a little immature girl, but she isn’t. She is an intelligent girl who cares about the goodness of the people in her community. Which is why you shouldn't assume things based on what you hear or see. Boo Radley is a reverent hero. He saved Jem And Scout when they were being attacked by Mr. Ewell. He stepped in and stabbed Mr. Ewell with a knife. He then carried Jem home to safety where he was looked at by a doctor (Foote 75). However he is still merely looked at as a threat. Everybody knows him for attempting to kill his dad or for being chained up in his basement …show more content…

Mayella is the daughter to Mr. Ewell who testified against Tom. Even though it was obvious Tom was not guilty, the jury still found him guilty, because he was black. First of all, Tom Robinson had no muscle in his left hand because he got it caught in a cotton gin (Foote 61). Mayella's injuries were on the right side of her face, so Tom wouldn’t have been able to do that damage with a bad left hand. Second, Mayella’s stories were bad and she hesitated as she was asked the question “Do you remember him beating about the face?” (Foote 60). With this evidence any white man would have been not guilty, but people falsely accused him because he was black. Sadly, after Tom was found guilty he was shot dead trying to run away. Tom Robinson who was an innocent man, died because of the color of his skin and the assumption of his

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