In 2014, shake&stir presented a unique and modern take on one of the most loved and famous Shakespeare plays Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet explores the lives of two rebellious teens that fall hopelessly in love with each other the moment they meet ignoring the fact that their families are enemies. The two star crossed lovers get married and as a result, end up dying. Nelle Lee, the writer for this specific production kept the original Shakespearean text the same throughout the play. Lee included a few off text lines, for example bribing the Nurse with a packet of lollies and conversing with the audience in certain parts. By doing this it makes it more entertaining and humorous for modern day audiences as some don’t enjoy or understand the language and aims of Shakespeare’s plays . …show more content…
Matthew Walsh played the most characters; Mercutio, Nurse, Friar Laurence and Capulet. For each character he played he had a different physicality about him and tone of voice, both being very effective for the characters. When Matt played the Nurse, his voice was extremely high pitched and he waddled along when he walked. This was effective as it was amusing to the audience and it portrayed an old, large lady well. But when Matt was playing Mercutio, he had a different stance; he was more laid back, feminie like and jumpy, by this Mercutio came across very entertaining. For when Capulet was played, he came across very posh and had an intimidating effect in the way he held himself and used his voice in a very calm yet strong way. As for Danielle, she played Juliet, Prince and Tybalt. Her characteristics for Juliet very much resembled a young twelve year old girl in which was effective as in the original text, Juliet is quite young. She portrayed Juliet very naïve and made her voice high pitched to show a young Juliet. Danielle’s characterisation of Juliet especially made it easier for a
It is said that there are only seven stories: the comedy, tragedy, rags-to-riches, rebirth, overcoming the monster, the quest, and the voyage and return. This we can, for the most part, agree on. But what about a limited number of characters? Yes, they all have their own names and descriptions, but when it comes to character arcs and personalities, there are only so many likable character-types one can create. Romeo is the 17-year-old son of Lord Montague, and the only heir to the Montagues. He is known to quickly throw himself into love, and loves fiercely and with his whole being. He is sensitive, well-mannered, and charming, but these are not his driving characteristics, nor the traits being discussed in this
There are many metaphors in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare relates Romeo to the theme of light and darkness. He first states, “Under love’s heavy burden do I sink. A torch for me. Let wantons lights of heart tickle the senses rushes with their heels.” When Shakespeare writes this he shows how depressed Romeo is. Romeo is sorrowful, because he loves Rosaline, but she does not love him. He is telling his friends to go have fun, and he will hold the torch to light their happiness. He believes he cannot be happy without her, so he is willing to illuminate other’s happiness. Shakespeare also shows the aspect of light connected to Romeo by saying, “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright.” Shakespeare portrays
Did you know that Love and Gelato, the novel by Jenna Evans Welch, does not portray stereotypes related to teens? In this romance, it is a summer in Italy that presents a more relative time to society where she experiences different paths throughout, moving to Italy by her dead mom’s last wishes. She discovers many things throughout this experience and hopes to find closure. The play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare does portray stereotypes related to teens in a teens forbidden romance in Italy, but it’s in the 14th century. In this play, it has many wealthy families but 2 that despise each other.
Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who was the founder analytical psychology, once stated: “The contents of the collective unconscious are archetypes, primordial images that reflect basic patterns that are common to us all, and which have existed universally since the dawn of time” (Carl Gustav Jung). Originally published in 1597, William Shakespeare devised a renowned play about two star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Most can argue that a prominent factor behind the choice of language throughout this play was influenced by archetypes and the psychological aspect behind them, depicting patterns that reside within a “collective unconscious,” universally apparent and populated by instinct. Throughout the romantic, yet devastating, story of Romeo and Juliet,
Language corresponds to countless appellations, as the expresser of thought and ultimate origin of philosophy, influencing the world of knowledge with its astonishing qualities. The very essence of cooperation and communication relies eternally on the inspired art of language, without which any possible human development could occur. Furthermore, the perception of verbal communication splits between two realms, reality and literature, constituting two linguistic variations, figurative and literal. Throughout the world of literature, figurative language adds depth and dimension to
lets say ‘enthusiastic’.. when Romeo emerged from the bed in nothing but boxer briefs and a t-shirt.) But other than that once, the actors were very professional and well put together, however two stood out in particular. Both the Nurse and Mercutio went beyond just acting the lines. One could almost believe that they lived them. Mercutio was so true to character it was hard to believe the actor was a real person, such enthusiasm, so much energy, all in all an amazing visage of the manic friend to Romeo. The Nurse was a hilarious bigger black lady who felt like something straight out of a new orleans home. Very soulful acting and the way she used her movements and expressions to give new meaning to the lines was extremely entertaining. All the actors did very well on the stage, but those two stood out in particular, the comic relief but also very important to the plot. The whole play was extremely refreshing to watch and it was a good way to get younger viewers to understand and take interest in the story of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. I would definitely recommend to any viewer of any
Romeo and Juliets is a tragic love story but it is the meaning behind the words that made it such a beautiful play. Romeo and Juliet’s dreadful events took place in Verona. Juliet born into the Capulet family and Romeo being a Montague destined to be enemies but fall deeply in love. The audience knows the love between the characters because of the significance behind Shakespeare’s dialogue.
For most of my life growing up, I’ve been concerned about what other people thought of me. Being friendless in elementary made me more worried about my appearance and my social status. Am I too heavy? Am I too quiet? Am I considerate or am I selfish? As these questions repeated in my head like a broken record, I constantly wanted to be accepted by other students. I wanted to feel that sense of joy and acceptance that I didn’t have. But as soon as a new student with a foreign tongue entered my school, I was faced with a choice. Should I bully him like the rest of my peers do when there’s a new student at school or should I be friends with him like the good person I am? Because William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet demonstrates that following the crowd doesn’t guarantee good results, humanity today has also been plagued by it for generations.
Prejudice is the child of ignorance” this quote means that people don’t really now what going on in their life. People are so quick to make assumptions. The reason I think they say child is because if we come from our moms then prejudice comes from ignorance, or the lack of people believing in someone. I believe prejudice in Romeo and Juliet should be important in society because people are discriminatory in society today like the Treyvon martin case.
This also gives a modern audience a good insight into how Shakespeare was an exceptional scripter
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet defies the “stereotypical gender normality’s” that were present in 1595. Throughout the play, the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, continuously oppose to the gender-based normality’s that are expected of them. They defy the gender-based stereotypes surrounding love and relationships, the gender roles around marriage. Even the character's way in which they end their lives are more “suited” towards the opposite gender.
Scene 5 she has to break the news to Juliet that she is going to be
The famous play, Romeo and Juliet, starts out as a romantic love story but ends in strife and sorrow. The play is about two star-crossed lovers that long for nothing more than to be happily together but obstacles continue to get in the way; the biggest one is the fact that their two families basically hate each other. The two families have a prolonging feud that interferes with their children’s love then eventually is the cause of their downfalls. On Tuesday, November 10, 2015, The UWG Theater Company put on their best rendition of this tragic tale.
Shakespeare's famous play of the two star crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet arouses many debates in the literary world; among them belongs the question of who Shakespeare portrays as the culprit responsible for the couples death: foolish young love, societal norms and customs or simply fate?The plot of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare unfolds in Verona, where the protagonists, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, each belong to powerful feuding Verona families. Juliet, who is only 14 years of age, has been promised by her father to a man named Paris without her consent, as was common for women at the time. In Verona, expectations and societal norms for men and women diverge. Men are portrayed as sexual, violent, strong characters who fight for honor while women are portrayed as inferior, weaker and represent possessions and conquests of men. Although, Juliet does not conform to these expectations and defies them throughout the play by her actions and behavior until she meets a tragic and untimely death with her lover Romeo. William Shakespeare uses Juliet, an unconventional protagonist compared to the society’s gender roles, and her tragic downfall to criticize the patriarchal society he lived in during the Elizabethan era.
William Shakespeare lived and wrote over 400 years ago, but his wonderful plays continue to entertain and influence the audiences of the Twenty-First Century. Despite the outdated content and language of his works, Shakespeare’s plays remain popular with modern readers and play watchers for another reason. In all of his works, including William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, he uses countless literary devices and techniques to affect the mood of the audience and enhance their enjoyment. He utilizes puns and juxtaposition to create a comical or light hearted mood. He also uses dramatic irony and oxymorons for a dramatic or serious mood. Although Shakespeare’s work does not include modern language or modern situations, the literary devices that he uses work to keep an audience of any time feeling involved