
Who Is Mila Kumin

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Mila Kunis has earned a well known name for herself acting in films and television shows, starting out in commercials and working her way up. Recently we brought you part one of this list of interesting facts about the actress, and now we are back with part two.

Number Eight: She Was Shy About a Scene

If you've seen Black Swan, you know about the very talked about sex scene she had with Natalie Portman. It turns out she demanded that her father not watch this.

Number Seven: Mila Kunis Still Speaks Russian

Although she has long since adjusted to the American way of life, she hasn't forgotten about where she came from. She visits her parents often in Los Angeles and speaks her original language with them.

Number Six: Injuries for a Role …show more content…

She claims that after filming the dancing scenes for the role, she never wants to put on those ballet shoes

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