
Stereotypes Of Gloriousness

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Overall I would say the Extraversion scores describe me pretty well. I’m typically quiet and subdued unless I’m around a group of people I know well or a given conversation point is something of high interest or notably relatable. In those situations, I can be and often enjoy steering discussions or even speaking in front of large groups. In most cases however, I do typically prefer to avoid large groups and need as well as highly enjoy personal quiet or down time. For friendliness, I do consider myself a very positive and enjoyable person for others to interact with, but I don’t go out of my way to be friendly or engaging with others. The almost low score for gregariousness is accurate, I really don’t usually enjoy interactions within …show more content…

I’m very level headed and really not easily emotionally affected by various demands or situations. I very seldom feel anxious, angry, or discouraged and have heard from others on more than one occasion that I’m “hard to get a rise out of”. I also don’t have any troubles dealing with temptation or cravings and easily can think about long term impacts (anywhere from food choices to relationship decisions). I did score in the middle for self-consciousness which sounds about right as well since I’m not that easily embarrassed and can brush off considerations along those lines, but I do genuinely care what others …show more content…

Overall it was average, though barely above low. I generally consider myself pretty open to new experiences. While I don’t see myself as overly creative or imaginative, I do consider myself an open thinker and very curious about how the world works… although I don’t easily engage others on discourse regarding these topics. I also scored on the higher mid-range for adventurousness, intellect, and liberalism which I’d agree with and what I think helps bring my overall openness score up. I love traveling to new places and variety. Regarding intellect, the higher average score sounds about right as I love solving puzzle and find enjoyment more out of working through complex ideas typically over dealing with people. My rating on liberalism as a higher average score seems accurate to. I don’t enjoy or empathize with people pushing back against authority, but I do feel a readiness and comfort with challenging the

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