Overall I would say the Extraversion scores describe me pretty well. I’m typically quiet and subdued unless I’m around a group of people I know well or a given conversation point is something of high interest or notably relatable. In those situations, I can be and often enjoy steering discussions or even speaking in front of large groups. In most cases however, I do typically prefer to avoid large groups and need as well as highly enjoy personal quiet or down time. For friendliness, I do consider myself a very positive and enjoyable person for others to interact with, but I don’t go out of my way to be friendly or engaging with others. The almost low score for gregariousness is accurate, I really don’t usually enjoy interactions within …show more content…
I’m very level headed and really not easily emotionally affected by various demands or situations. I very seldom feel anxious, angry, or discouraged and have heard from others on more than one occasion that I’m “hard to get a rise out of”. I also don’t have any troubles dealing with temptation or cravings and easily can think about long term impacts (anywhere from food choices to relationship decisions). I did score in the middle for self-consciousness which sounds about right as well since I’m not that easily embarrassed and can brush off considerations along those lines, but I do genuinely care what others …show more content…
Overall it was average, though barely above low. I generally consider myself pretty open to new experiences. While I don’t see myself as overly creative or imaginative, I do consider myself an open thinker and very curious about how the world works… although I don’t easily engage others on discourse regarding these topics. I also scored on the higher mid-range for adventurousness, intellect, and liberalism which I’d agree with and what I think helps bring my overall openness score up. I love traveling to new places and variety. Regarding intellect, the higher average score sounds about right as I love solving puzzle and find enjoyment more out of working through complex ideas typically over dealing with people. My rating on liberalism as a higher average score seems accurate to. I don’t enjoy or empathize with people pushing back against authority, but I do feel a readiness and comfort with challenging the
Considering my personality, based on the “Big 5” personality traits, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience, I scored on the high end of the moderate range. As for the openness to experience, I scored a 9 out of 10 ranging in the high level of personality factor (Project 2, BMAL-500 D, McGraw Hill Connect, Liberty University, 2017). I feel as if though this is accurate as I am generally outgoing and enjoy the company of others.
The movie Glory can be described as a classic “underdog story.” It is a true story about a group of African American soldiers known as the 54th Massachusetts Regiment who faced constant prejudice and resentment by white soldiers and officers throughout the Union. However, under the leadership of Colonel Robert Shaw, they were able to prove themselves as a formidable fighting force at the battle of Fort Wagner. Although the 54th Regiment suffered heavy casualties they showed the Union that African American soldiers could be just as effective as white soldiers. While the movie Glory did paint an accurate picture of the Civil War, the 54th Regiment, and the Battle of Fort Wagner, it did have its fair share of stereotypes.
The 1st Factor is Extraversion (AKA Surgency) and the score I received for this factor is 31 which is above average. With the score I got, it says that I am peppy and that I need or want to talk and hang out with people. Although part of the report is true about being peppy, I do not see myself as always needing others around because most of the time, I like being by myself. I do not agree with the score I got because I actually do not like people that well. I am a rude person that judges people easily. For example, if I were to meet someone new in a class, the first thing I will do is recognize a feature that is very noticeable and I will not say anything about it. Also, if mistakes were made constantly, it would be really obvious and it would bother me a lot even though I would not say anything about it out loud. But I will say what I think is wrong or bad about the person to someone else, even though I know that sounds really messed up and it is.
O’Bonsawin (2009) provides a background on the relationship between the Olympics and Indigenous people, which is useful in understanding the political condition in which the World Indigenous games were built. Historically, the Olympics have tensions with Indigenous people, as the question of respecting Indigenous rights is a frequent topic for concern. O’Bonsawin accounts that the tensions arise for a variety of reasons: underrepresentation of Indigenous athletes, erasing the presence of Indigenous people in society and on the lands in which the Olympics are held, diminishing Indigenous roles to stereotypes, and the silencing of Indigenous activism. As the Olympics provides little opportunity for positive Indigenous representations, one can understand the need for self-representation in the form of the World Indigenous Games.
The first subset of my personality is Extraversion, as opposed to Introversion. As an extrovert, I would describe myself as social, external and gregarious. This characteristic helps me communicate and reach out to others. However, there are cons that go along
Someone found the fourth golden ticket out of the six, and I don't care at all. Okay, I do care, but it isn't anyone's business to know or to care about what I think, just like how it doesn't matter what I think of the golden ticket winners.
I think that Utopians have a good head on their shoulders. They thought that they should only care about the important things like: good health, sensory experiences, intelligence, and agility to state some. They don’t waste their time worrying about being better than someone else; they see everyone as equals. They don’t waste their time on fancy clothes, jewelry, or gold and silver.
The first thought that crawled into my mind while I began to read this article, was the myriad photos that I have seen on social media of boys my age posing with guns. I have always found it strange and wondered how so many people I knew were able to access weapons so easily. What I found most provoking throughout the article was when it stated that more young people in the United States die from homicide than from health issues and various diseases combined. It is both discouraging and frightening. These studies serve to influence parents to be more cautious towards the lifestyle that they portray for their kids, and the lack of supervision they hold over them. Academic instructors could learn to better discipline students who have partaken
Agreeableness is average, meaning I do not try to be either cooperative or antagonistic towards others. I generally take a laissez-faire approach to my relationships and do not have an invested interest because I do not believe I can significantly impact the long-term well being of others. During conversations, I do not inquire specifically about their personal lives, I let the other person tell me what they are comfortable about talking about and what they want me to know. Conscientiousness is also average. I have a fair balance of structure and spontaneity. There is just enough control and regulation in impulses to maintain a harmonized flow of daily life that will allow for spontaneous activities. For example, school work is more or less planned out by the day to prevent falling behind, but I will still embark on spontaneous adventures of bicycle rides to abandoned warehouse roof tops at midnight on a school night. Survey results are consistent with how I view myself generally. While it is impossible to be completely objective in self evaluations, I think I am fairly in tune with my inter- and intra-relationships because I make an effort to heed feedback. When interacting with others I pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and not only their words, but their silences.
From this article, we learn how Disney characterizes different people from different cultures and times. It shows the hyper-sexualization of the “Gypsy” women, Esmeralda, in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and how this is directly related to a historical misunderstanding of the Gypsy people but also the sexualization of Jasmine in Aladdin. The term “gypsy” itself is controversial as some see it as a racial slur and the people are actually Romani. The author brings up how the representations of women of color are vastly different from their white counterparts. They are perceived and portrayed in an orientalist view; “In particular, the representation of gender and race and a pattern of increasing orientalization reveal themselves in the characters' physical
I have to agree my assessment results are congruent with my personality. As an extravert, I am extremely talkative and social. I enjoy interacting with individuals on a daily basis and being able to communicate through speech. It was no surprise when I saw my extraversion score at a high level. I tend to be a very agreeable person. I am always helping others and putting their needs before my own. Sympathy and caring are personality traits learned over the last few years in my life. I am an extremely conscientious person, who is always controlling my surrounding environments. I rely heavily on myself and am determined to achieve my life goals. I figured my neuroticism score would be high, since I am filled with anxiety, depression, and fear. My ability to adjust to change is not the greatest, which affects my emotional stability. The
According to my IPIP-NEO narrative report I am a very independent, outgoing, calm, and curious person. My comprehensive report shows that I am: high scoring in openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion, average scoring in agreeableness and low scoring in Neuroticism. Raking in the 82nd percentile, extraversion was my second highest scoring trait. This means I am pretty outgoing, extraverted and love people. This is evident my scores of 89 in friendliness, 84 in assertiveness and 75 in activity level. Despite my high score in extraversion, I am on the lower side of average in the excitement-seeking facet with a score or 33. This means that even though I might like a little hustle and bustle and take charge I wont take to many risks and don’t always need a thrill to be satisfied.
Stop it. Everyone needs to stop it. Stop labeling each other by gender, race, hair color, etc. What is a stereotype? Stereotypes are labels that people put on other people and themselves. Maybe it’s because it makes them people feel better about themselves, or maybe it’s not meant to hurt people at all but it does anyway. Stereotypes can be hurtful to a person and are generally false. There are a variety of stereotypes such as “all gingers have hot tempers and have no souls”, “all homeschoolers are socially awkward geniuses”, and “all Americans are obese and dim witted”. While these may be true in some cases, there are countless exceptions.
3) Extraversion: People in this category are known to be outgoing, sociable, friendly and gregarious. Extraversion has been extensively researched for years as positive emotionality in some trait models (Watson & Clark, 1997).
I rated a 3.896 so I say that's a 3.90 just slightly below the average person's scores of 4.0 (Wright, n.d.).