
Stereotypes Of War Pigeons During WWII

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War Pigeons

During WWII, before the times of radios, soldiers in the war communicated to there bases via pigeons! These breeds of pigeons were known mostly as the homing pigeon (historyextra). So you probably wondering, why are these pigeon so important to WWII? Well, these so called “war pigeons” may not seem that important, but yet they succeeded in saving hundreds of lives over the course of WWl and WWll (the telegraph). These war pigeons were used by soldiers to communicate back to their bases during battle. They transported messages to a coop in which a buzzer would then sound. By hearing this, a soldier of the Signal Corps, a part of the U.S army in which would manage the communication of the armed forces, would know that a message had arrived (historyextra). These war pigeons would wear a strap the went around their stomach with a small vile attached to it. In the vile would hold secret messages about the war and other information in which some we still don't know to this day. It was very dangerous to be a war pigeon, especially during WWII because they were always a target of the Nazis (the telegraph). …show more content…

One pigeon named “The Mocker” flew 52 missions before getting wounded yet was still able to assist the armed forces after his recovery. Another example was pigeon by the name of “Cher Ami”. Ami lost a foot and an eye yet was still successful in delivering a message that saved a large group of American Infantrymen during WWII

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