
Stereotypes Of Women In Computer Science

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In order to get my point across of the need of more women in Computer Science, the best group to present my solution to is towards the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District. In addition, the school district is great in order to keep it to a local community and present the need to involve all schools to promote some computer related course for all students. This is important because according to a research by the University of Washington, “children express the stereotype that mathematics is for boys, not for girls, as early as second grade” (McElroy 2011). The typical age for the second grade is seven years old and to think that seven years olds already have the mindset of stereotyping at such a young age is astonishing. Consequently, mathematics are very important to Computer Science and at early ages of stereotypes, this would certainly not help the outcome of women in computer-related degrees for the future. …show more content…

Subsequently, the school board currently consists of seven members and each of them have lived near the cypress area for most of their lives. What has stood out the most for me while researching the Cypress Fairbanks website is that the board members responsibilities are to provide educational leadership for the district and be attuned to the concerns of the community regarding educational and financial issues (Know your district 1 2016). From this information, we can assume since my problem is with the lack of women in computer science that they would hear me out in presenting my speech to implement more computer related courses throughout all grade

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