There always seems to be a stereotype for just about anything, from genders to races, there’s always a received idea about someone, which can also impact a person’s own life and perspective. However, received ideas about certain types of people are also aimed at high school students as well. Stereotypes are massive complications towards students. The received idea of someone that is widely accepted can cause students to feel uncomfortable, especially if a student is viewed based on that received idea, also known as a stereotype. These stereotypes not only make students feel uncomfortable, they also cause low self - esteem, affect academic learning, and cause students to feel isolated. Stereotypes do affect students in any school, including …show more content…
Stereotypes do tend to make the confidence of a student feel worse about themselves based on how many other students tend to believe in a received idea that may not be true about the student themself. One of the results that was shown from the class data of their interviews with other students and adults states, “The stereotype that she associates with being an athlete is that they work out a lot, occasionally have bad grades, and have to be fast, strong, and tall. Two of the stereotypes she associates with being a teen are laziness and always being on a phone.” This quote is evidence because it points out that an actual student from the Dinuba High School has their self - esteem changed due to stereotypes. Their self - esteem is changed because of how that student is being reminded about how many other students believe in the negative side of athletes. She will then doubt herself when coming to the tasks of homework when everyone else believes that she’ll fail as well as feeling less confident about doing anything she likes as a teenger, fearing for the adults who’ll say negative things about her while attending the Dinuba High School. Another quote that shows how stereotypes affect on self - esteem is from Shankar Vedantam’s article, “How a Self - Fulfilling Stereotype Can Drag Performance”, states, “When people are threatened by a negative stereotype they think applies to them, they can be subtly biased to live out the stereotype.” This quote shows on how the self - esteem can be lowered through stereotypes because of how the mind of a person will feel the need to respond to the received ideas of the groups that they are part of. Also, the quote goes towards the self - esteem of students at the Dinuba High School as well because students tend to have the sensation of feeling troubled, knowing that the stereotype involving themselves isn’t true. In other words, they don’t tend to do
Our class was inspired by Shankar Vedantam’s piece to conduct research on stereotypes at Point Loma High School. We were provided questions by Ms. Roberts and asked one person in class and another outside of class. The ages of those interviewed ranged from freshmen to seniors in highschool. Later, we input our data in a Google form and later converted it into a summary data chart and spreadsheet. The results were sorted by ethnicity and gender. Using our results we were able to find trends/similarities of the impact/aftermath and responses of those who were interviewed
Author Shankar Vedantam in his science article “How a Self-Fulfilling Stereotype Can Drag Down Performance” implies that if a person is subjected to stereotypes it can affect your performance. The author develops this idea by first introducing his theme with a question, then he tells of experiments others have made to support this idea, and finally he wraps it up by telling us that companies and schools are victim to stereotypes and needs to stop. The author’s purpose is to explain to us how stereotypes can affect our lives in order to call out to people so we can lower the rates of stereotyping. The author establishes a educated tone for people who are interested in research and global
Many people have an oversimplified and erroneous view of a certain group of people. Stereotypes are typically associated with having negative connotations of a particular group of people. In many occasions, positive qualities of the group are overlooked and they are instead categorized by social norms created by stereotypes. Stereotyping affects everyone, whether it is through the discrimination of age, race, gender
Stereotypes have great impacts on people all over the world. One of the reasons why people believe stereotypes blindly is that they know less about the objects. In order to decline the uncertainty of this new object, people choose to believe the stereotypes to feel safer. For the purpose of understanding the world more objectively, we ought to treat stereotypes critically and at least not be convinced of stereotypes blindly anymore.
Stereotypes categorize people and also impacts our perception. There are factors that can lead to that distortion of how a person is expected to be, such as the misconceptions we pick up from the world around us. Both stories of "On Being a Cripple" and “I Just Wanna Be Average” depicts how stereotypes influences our impressions of others and its effects. Labels are usually put on people according to what stands out about them, one's race or sex is an example of this. However, the perspective towards of students based of the certain classes they take can lead to stereotypes as well, in regards to Mike Rose's account in “I Just Wanna Be Average”.
Stereotype: “To believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same” ( Everyone, some way or somehow, falls under some sort of stereotype whether it is positive or negative. Throughout my life, I personally have been affected negatively by the stereotype of being a student-athlete through high school and also here at college. Therefore, in this essay, I will explain how the student-athlete stereotype may affect an individual negatively not only in academics or athletics, but also mentally. I will also prove that the stereotype is, for the most part, a false representation of student-athletes.
Beginning at home, I, personally, have seen numerous stereotypes among my own classmates in the campus of Dinuba High School. Mostly, they are the typical school or “clique” stereotypes,
Stereotyping is a commonly encountered occurrence at schools and in our daily lives. Stereotyping is when someone believes something about you or treats you differently based on a popular belief. There are three common stereotypes that RMHS students experience or are affected by. They are all related to race and ethnicities of students. Mexicans are lazy, must play soccer and must not be good at school. White people must love Starbucks, must be dumb blondes, and are racist. Black people must be lazy and not good at school. These are just a few of the many stereotypes students face on a daily basis. I believe that these stereotypes have a negative effect on teens because they bring down performance in school and outside of school. We got this
Heilbroner states that stereotypes hides the reality of the world and makes us mentally lazy. Furthermore, Heilbroner believes that stereotypes help us understand our confusing world, but sometimes it is not easy to get rid of them since it gets in the way of our judgment. Just like in the article, stereotypes are often used as a cruel action towards others’, however, the only way to resolve the issue of stereotypes is to acknowledge the pictures in everyone’s mind, not just the ones in our head. I agree with Heilbroner, because there’s a bigger situation showed on stereotypes, especially for community college students. Many college students have often been judged without knowing the struggles they are overcoming in order to seek for
Furthermore, stereotypes are used to increase an individual’s self-esteem and strengthen their social identity. Social identity theory contributes largely to the formation of stereotypes, as it states that a person’s social identity is formed from being part of a group. To justify one’s own group, they often pick out real or imaginary differences and flaws in other groups and compare those to their own group (Ford & Tonander, 1998). This led Ford
Negative stereotypes could lead to many negative consequences. Fiske (2014), a professor of University of Massachuse refer that stereotypes are automatic responses, which have an impact on individuals’ decision
At DHS students can be affected by these stereotypes just because they are in a specific class or are an athlete, white, black, brown or are a certain race or because of their gender this harms the students at DHS because of the image most of their peers and or classmates that will judge them just because of their race or gender saying thing about them because of what stereotypes they fit in they are automatically put into a group where they either have high expectations low or expected to be plain dumb just because they are an athlete or say certain things or have to look a certain way this can affect a student pretty harshly because the student could feel really bad about themself and not pay attention and or not wanna do really well because that isn't what the group they were stereotyped in is supposed to do good in and or not supposed to do good in school or they have to do better than everyone else which worries them, and they feel people will make fun of them just because they did the exact opposite of what they were stereotyped
In this world there are many things people are guilty of, one of those guilt’s is stereotyping others , even if it wasn’t meant in a harmful are negative way we all have been a victim or the aggressor . This paper will discuses what stereotypes are, how they affect people and how stereotypes can affect society. However, the common factor in either situation is that no good comes from stereotyping others.
“Stereotypes are a mental picture in your head or an opinion you might have about a person or group of people based on the actions and behaviors of others that look similar. Stereotypical images are reinforced through the media, every single time we pick up our cell-phone, or turn on the TV. Harmful stereotypical images can actually cause a person belonging to that group to feel threatened. The person is aware of the negative stereotype about their social group, and then this person experiences extreme anxiety that they might confirm the stereotype, which distracts that person from their performance. Because they are thinking about their race, gender, or sexual orientation, instead of focusing their performance whether this be an exam, a sporting
As we all know, there are only negative things to say about stereotype. When someone stereotype a certain thing about you, such as race or gender, it can impact negatively on your performance. Stereotype can happen to any race and it is unfortunate that it still exists. Societies created the negative and positive stereotypes that most of us were victims to one. I was a victim of negative stereotypes than the positive stereotypes. Because I’m Asian, people expect me to be a prodigy at math. I had a classmate asked me for help, but I didn’t know the answers to it. The first thing he says was, “but you’re asian”. Because of this and what the society expect, I felt pressure to do well in math. Beside education, people stereotype me for my height.