
Stereotypes: Patriarchy And Oppression Of Women

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Johnsons define Patriarchy is a kind of society in which women participate and it is more Male dominated , male identified and male centered with an obsession with male control and it involves as an aspect with oppression of women. In Patriarchy the society is so dominated by males you will only see any positions of authority such as political, economic , legal ,religious, educational, military, domestic which are also severed by men. It can be Heads of the state or Head of the household in any position could be at corporate level or senior most jobs for example all are male dominant and in any situation if a women ever steps up to a position against a male, she would be questioned and her work will be devalued or can be treated sarcastically. …show more content…

The women is only fit to take care of children doing laundry and making sure the house is clean and comfortable. Women is always culturally devalued and considered as sexual objects either privately or publically with a threat for sexual and domestic violence. But women ‘s growing opportunities are taken as evidence that the “woman’s problem” are fixed, by disregarding the problems still associated with female inequality. Unknowingly the stereotypes are used, depicting females in a negative way and drawing the conclusion that men are more important and influential than women. Family traditions are passed down to each generation considering that males are the head of the households and females simple housewives. The continuance of the patriarchy system does not only fall fault in the hands of male dominates, but continues to operate due to societies’ unconscious …show more content…

Johnson uses his article to discuss the issues of pain and confusion that both men and women face due to gender inequality in a patriarchal society. Unfortunately, this oppressive system is one in which we all participate in and contribute towards despite the fact that we did not create it. I found “Patriarchy” interesting as Johnson defines this patriarchal system of gender through three significant social structures. The first structure Johnson describes is the fact that we live in a male-dominated society. Now this does not necessarily mean that all men are powerful or all women are powerless, however, Johnson states, men tend to assume the roles in society that are associated with power whereas women predominantly hold the more caring, passive roles. The second structure is the fact that our culture is principally male-identified. This male-identification connects largely with the idea that aspects of our society and personal attributes that are highly valued are associated with men. By contrast, devalued attributes and social activities are characteristically associated with women. The final structure, likewise, revolves around the idea that society is male-centered. It has been long embedded in our culture that the center of attention naturally focuses on men, and that women simply occupy the sidelines. Unknowingly the

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