
Stereotypes: Prejudice In The United States

Decent Essays

Prejudice is the preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. In the United States, the First Amendment is, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, and most importantly freedom of religion. Regardless of what religion you choose to be, you have the right to peacefully practice it in the United States. Muslims are among the most prejudiced group in the
United States. Negative media portrayal and closed-minded individuals are the reasons why
Islamophobia continues to grow in the United States.
First I would like to dispel a few myths by comparing extremist …show more content…

Extremists interpret the Quran in wrong and negative ways. It is reported that,
“Ninety-three percent of Muslims do not support extremist views of terrorism. “ (Common
Misconceptions about Muslims). A vast majority of Muslims are not extremists and don’t support their views of terrorism. Yet they are thought as such every day in the United States. For example, “The meaning of the Arabic word jihad is the struggle. It usually means a struggle of one’s soul against the self and sinful desires.” (Common Misconceptions about Muslims).
Extremist Muslims interpret jihad as war and believe they are obligated to install sharia, a form of governance, to all muslim countries and eventually the whole world. This is false in the hearts of most Muslims. “Muslim scholars who study the Quran explain Islam as a religion of peace. “
(Palmer). The majority of Muslims are peacef
even more unwanted attention to those who practice Islam. The popularity of this topic in the media continues to grow.
Ignorance of individuals to learn more hinders their understanding of Islam leading them to “judge a book by its cover.“ Individuals tend to go off what little they know about Islam and choose not to learn more about the truth behind Islam. “Most Americans say they know little …show more content…

The stubbornness to learn more from Americans is described as frustrating because their opinions are wrong. If more attention was shown to learning a little of the other religion, maybe they would come to appreciate Islam more. “Glossing over the problematic aspects of
Islam is highly misleading, and it has several harmful consequences. “ (Kilpatrick) The consequence is to refrain from learning that “Islam is a religion of peace. “ (Paul). The Quran interprets the religion of Islam as peaceful.
The cultural gap between American society and muslim-Americans could factor into the presence of Islamophobia. Islam offers a totalized worldview encompassing all spheres of community intercourse: political, economic, social, etc.The West isolates the spheres of knowledge and action and enshrines the individual. Muslims are forbidden to eat pork while
Christians eat pork. Alcohol is forbidden in Islam while alcohol is not. They also practice different customs. “Christians and Muslims have a different Supreme Being and place of worship. “ (Difference). This is probably the biggest difference.
As a nation we should unite to move on from our prejudices and come together as a
stronger community of individuals. It would be wise to forget our differences and embrace for

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