
Steroids Are Harmful Analysis

Decent Essays

Introduction paragraph
Hook: -Ever since their introduction into athletics and sports, the use of performance enhancing drugs has evolved into a controversial concern.
Narrow focus: As most sports fans or athletes would know, much public knowledge and debate has derived dealing with the legalization of performance enhancing drugs.
Thesis: Any performance-enhancing drug in sports should be illegal and not in the slightest, tolerated.
Three sub points: -There are a handful of reasons for these drugs to stay banned; the dramatic health risks associated with the use of the drugs, the recognition and respect that natural talent is the point of sports, along with the bad public image and influence on the youth.
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The most common seen and reported side effects were the stunt bone growth, and reduced sperm count followed by depression. Physiological risks such as attacks of rage or psychosis may arise, as well as addiction that induces the user to the sense of invincibility.
Explanation: This goes to show not only do these drugs diminish the real meaning of competition, they also throw your body through several unhealthy phases, that may result in long lasting side effects and a shorter lifespan.
Counterclaim: Aside from these health risks, some of the public may argue that there are some health advantages from consuming these drugs. This includes the greater strength and athletic ability you gain along with additional muscle mass which helps you recover from injuries faster.
Rebuttal: On the other hand, we can all agree that the negative aspects of taking PEDs overpower the advantages. Do we really want to unleash these risks to the athletes we admire the most
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He was admired until October 10th 2012, when the US anti-doping agency revealed that Armstrong cheated his way through his cycling career as he was found guilty of blood doping which gave him a competitive advantage over the other cyclists.
Explanation: If drugs and enhancers were granted for competitive game, it would be a match between who can afford and take the best drugs rather than the natural raw talent to those athletes who trained for their success.
Counterclaim: Many people may argue that the use of these drugs have enhanced the entertainment aspect of sports
Rebuttal: Although PEDs may intensify the entertainment of the action, the use of these drugs lessen the value of sportsmanship and fairness of the game itself.
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Topic Sentence: Lastly, the use of performance enhancers by athletes can influence the choices of young athletes.
Evidence: If a young player, who is easily persuaded, sees his favourite athlete attaining victory through the use of these drugs, they will feel as if that is the only way to also reach

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