Stefan Dosen Mr Paul Pippen 15 August 2014 English Research Essay All Professional athletes should be banned from competing for life if they're are convicted of using illegal Performance Enhancing Drugs In this essay the pending question is wether professional Athletes should be banned for life if convicted of using illegal Performance Enhancing Drugs and I truly believe that in certain circumstances that athletes should be banned. Outlined in this essay will be what are Performance Enhancing Drugs? what different types of these PEDs exist? how PEDs can pose drastic mental & physiological health issues in relation to health? and the use of PEDs ruining the integrity of sport as whole? Which will further on strengthen my argument. What …show more content…
A statement from the website Skins, states "Most fans agreed that PEDs are the greatest threat to the future and integrity of sport (73% agree)", Skins 2014. Which, further fortifies the fact that PEDs in sport has the potential ruin the integrity of sport now and in the future. So this is why harsh actions need to be taken in order to save sport as a whole and not making it on big corruption. But then again the majority of Athletes taking PEDs see it as levelling the playing field. For example, in the sport of Cycling where a majority of the athletes have or most likely take PEDs, when your an athlete who's losing race after race due to the fact your rivalry are taking PEDs then you have the incentive to do so yourself in order to level this unfair playing field athletes are having to endure these recent …show more content…
Performance-Enhancing Drugs, Anabolic Steroids, Steroid Use in Sports - The National Centre For Drug Free Sport, Inc. -. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2014]. Smrt Video Lessons, (2013). Opinion Essay or Persuasive Essay | Smrt Video Lessons. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Sep. 2014]. StudyMode, (2012). One Strike and You Are Out. Athletes Caught Using Illegal Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Given a Life Time Ban. by Kingblackarcher. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Sep. 2014]. U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), (2014). Effects of Performance Enhancing Drugs | U.S. Anti-Doping Agency USADA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Aug. 2014]., (2014). [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug.
Performance-Enhancing drugs are an unnatural way of changing one's body, and the effects can be life altering, sometimes better yet always, in the end, much worse. It is for this reason why major league sports have put strict rules in place suspending athletes who use these drugs; the Olympics ban these athletes for life. These drugs harm the bodies and minds of athletes, and they are banned to protect their health for their benefit and for the sports as well.
Over the years, this has been forgotten as people focus only on winning. From 1968 on, hundreds of Olympic athletes have been caught doping. PED’s are considered cheating in today’s sports. Although every athlete is determined to win, PED’s have no place in sports. When athletes resort to using these drugs, the endanger their health and their safety. An example of this is the death of Danish cyclist Knud Enemark Jensen who died in the Olympics from the use of amphetamines which caused him to lose consciousness and fall from his bicycle to his death. Another consequence of PED use is setting a bad example and being a bad role model. In 2007 many fans were let down when Barry Bonds tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. Many fans, both young and old, looked up to Barry and were disappointed with his choices. With so many baseball players using performance-enhancing drugs today, the integrity of the game has been lost. The players who use PED’s negatively affect the players who play the game without cheating. One of the worst consequences of all for using PED’s is being suspended or banned. Since the 1960’s, the technology for PED testing has improved and more athletes have been caught, suspended or
“Commentators claim that performance-enhancing drugs are not right or wrong, simply another strategy to improve performance” (Introduction to Performance-Enhancing Drugs). There are two main problems wrong with the use of drugs being legal. Health of athletes would drop devastatingly, and the true competition would become who gets lucky. “Some mourn the loss of yesterday's baseball heroes, while others argue that sport figures who use performance-enhancing drugs expose flaws in American culture” (Introduction to Performance-Enhancing
Do you feel that PED’s should be allowed in sport? The problem is that players use PED’s or Performance Enhancing Drugs to get an advantage over their opponents. Despite the advances in technology for discovering PED’s, there is still a great number of people who get away with PED’s. Many people continue to use PED’s and will continue to use them until they get caught, and even after they get caught. Performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports, resulting in more fair competition.
My burning question is, “should this policy be changed to a total banning in the sport?” Currently, there are several sports figures accused of using steroids
“…medical researchers believe that between 1 and 3 million youths and adults have taken anabolic steroids in one form or another specifically to enhance their looks or athletic performances,” stated Nuwer (Nuwer, 61). As astounding as these figures are, the number of performance drug users is steadily increasing. With this progressively increasing numbers, it is projected that millions more will use steroids in the immediate future (Newer, 61). Athletes have always sought an advantage in competition even if ignoring the law and their health if necessary. Using drugs of any sort to facilitate an athlete’s athletic ability should be illegal. The use of performance enhancing drugs is not only detrimental to the user but it also creates an
Throughout the many decades of professional sports being around, there has been many great athletes to whom thousands of people look up to who have been accused of using performance enhancing drugs. For instance, there has been many professional athletes who have ruined up their careers by using PEDs such as: Ben Johnson, Lance Armstrong, and Barry Bonds, just to name a few. ( But, that’s not the point that I’m trying to make here. My point is that these athletes were striped of their records, medals and accomplishments for what, just to be punished for being great? Regardless if they went against the rules set for them, they still set multiple records between all of them. Some of those records won’t be broken for years, maybe
Did you know that 80% of bodybuilders use Performance Enhancing Drugs in the U.S.? Although, these athletes know all of the consequences of using PEDs, they use them anyway. PEDs should be banned because fans want to see an athletes natural talent.
Should athletes be able to use performing enhancement drugs. Many athletes are trying to get a
Doping has widely become known as the use of banned substances and practices by sports personnel particularly athletes in an attempt to improve sporting performances. No sensible fan of sport today denies the prevalence of drugs in virtually every major sport, yet none would argue they can ever be eliminated completely. Money alone would seem to guarantee that much. High profile athletes today are competing for high stakes, not just millions, but dozens of millions. The fear of losing everything career, opportunity, contracts, name, fame, and money is pushing more sportsmen all over the world to use performance enhancing drugs, mainly
‘Olympic track star Marion Jones was sentenced in a federal court to six months in prison.’ (Kelly and Rao, 2008) The reason why Jones was guilty is because of the use of performance enhancing drugs since 1999. More and more famous athletes prove to have used banned drugs to enhance their performance. At the same time, the role that the anti-doping agency is more and more important in the world wide games, such as Olympic Game, Tour de France. Nowadays, whether the performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) should be legalized has sparked a heated debate. However, the use of PEDs is morally wrong and it should be banned in sports. This essay will demonstrate three main points which explain the
Do you want to want to become the peak athlete that you know your body is capable of? Well, this paper will not do that for you, but it will tell you how, and it will tell you why it should be legal to do so. Doping in sports is one of the most extensive debates within the realm of athletics. Whether it be injecting anabolic steroids, consuming them, or blood doping, athletes will do drugs. Doping has no effect on the viewership of the sport. Athletes can always find ways to cheat the system, and trying to prevent the use seems impossible. The use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) should be legalized, as long as it is allowed under medical supervision.
Performance-enhancing drugs (PED 's) have been an issue for many decades now for the medical and sports field. Olympic and professional athletes have been using them to gain an upper hand on the competition, but some may ask if it 's really worth it? Studies show that performance-enhancing drugs have been proven to negatively affect the health of athletes who take them. Simply put, performance-enhancing drugs could either improve athletic performance or can be extremely dangerous, in certain situations, deadly. There have been strict rules and drug testing in the professional sporting organizations, as well as in world competitions. For example, in the summer of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, in two of the
Performance-enhancing drugs also known as steroids is a drug that gives an extra boost in an game. Weather the boost is for strength or for lasting the entire match, this drug is dangerous for the athlete and the athletes opponents.
Abstract: With the increase of competition has also come the need to become bigger and stronger than the opponent. The use of steroids among athletes has caused the focus of the game to change. No longer does an athlete want to win by doing their best, but they want to become bigger and have an advantage over the opponent. Ultimately, all athletes feel that they need to use performance-enhancing drugs to compete at the same level. Despite all of the warnings and information on performance-enhancing drugs, athletes continue to use them and overlook the potential health risks associated with steroids.