
Essay on Steroids Should be Banned in Sports

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Currently it is an estimated that at least 6.67 percent of high school seniors in the United States have tried steroids, which is 500,000 males between the ages of 17 and 18 (Anabolic Steroids). The pressure of steroids on teenagers is constantly drilled into their heads because they associate increased strength with perfection. Teenagers are under immense pressure to be perfect. Kids are pressured to do well in school, sports, and any other activities that they are participating in. Anything other than the best is unacceptable and failure which strikes and leads to disrespect. Failure has the sole purpose of tearing people from their self confidence and lending them to be insecure, questioning their abilities and themselves. It does …show more content…

In male patients, testosterone also helps the male reproductive organs. Mistaken as only a male hormone, testosterone is also found in females. Although for females it is in lower dosages or smaller amounts. The average adult male in one day can produce a total amount anywhere from 2.5-11 milligrams of testosterone. An average steroids abuser injects themselves with 100 or more milligrams of testosterone a day (Anabolic Steroids). Originally, steroids were developed to increase strength of German soldiers in the 1930’s during World War II (Anabolic Steroids). Modern medicine restricts the use of anabolic steroids with only a couple exceptions such as bone marrow stimulations, growth stimulations, stimulations of appetite, and perseveration of muscle mass. Anabolic steroids also are used to help treat breast cancer and angioedema which side effects can result in swelling of the face, arms, legs, throat, windpipe, bowels, or sexual organs(Anabolic Steroids). There are many different types of steroids some of the most common legal types in the United States including boldenone (Equipoise), ehtlestrenol (Maxibolin), fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), methandriol, methandrostenolone (Diannabol), methyltestosterone, nandrolone, (Dyrabolin DecaDurabolin), oxandrolone (Anavar), oxymetholone (Anadrol), stanozolol (Winstrol), testosterone including sustanon, and trenbolone (Finajet). This is not including the many illegal imitation anabolic

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