Waves and Humans #2
Diaphragm Bell
For this audio presentation, I will be discussing the two parts of the stethoscope that is used for listening sounds, the diaphragm and bell. The diaphragm and bell are found at the opposite end of the stethoscope from the ear tips. The larger circular part is called the diaphragm, while the smaller circular part is called the bell. The process of how the stethoscope is used to listen sounds from the body involves the production of vibration of the flat surface of the diaphragm and bell as the sound wave hits it, then afterwards the sound travels through the rubber tubing in a process called multiple reflection (Layton, 2013). Eventually, the sound wave then reaches the other end of
The hearing tests with the tuning fork demonstrated a form of conductive hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss is seen in people with cerumen impaction, middle ear effusions, cholesteatomas and otoslcerosis. However, inspection of the external ear canal and middle ear revealed cleared tympanic membranes. Upon a further audiometric work, up, a carhart notch was noted which is consistent with otoslcerosis.
In this experiment, the signal generator was set so that the frequency meter showed a reading of 1,803 Hz. The microphone was moved to a distance from the speaker so that the oscilloscope displayed a straight diagonal line. This position was of the microphone was recorded as the initial position, or beginning of a wavelength. The microphone was then moved farther in the same direction until the oscilloscope displays the same horizontal line. This position was recorded as final position, or the end of the wavelength. The distance between the two positions represents one wavelength for this frequency. This was repeated for frequencies of 2,402 Hz, 3,002, Hz, 3,602 Hz, and 4,201 Hz.
The snail like shape of the cochlear effectively boosts the strength of the vibrations caused by sound, especially for low pitches. When sound waves hit the ear drum, tiny bones in the ear transmit the vibrations to the fluid of the cochlea, where they travel along a tube that winds into a spiral. The tube’s properties gradually change along its length, so the waves grow and then die away, much as an ocean wave travelling towards the shore gets taller and narrower before breaking at the beach.
28) The next step in the auditory process after the stirrup vibrates against the oval window is that
The middle ear has three ossicles (tiny bones) the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup that connect the middle ear to the inner ear. When sound enters your middle ear, it causes the ossicles to vibrate. These vibrations then move into the cochlea, which is filled with fluid. When the vibrations move the fluid that is in the cochlea, it stimulates tiny hair cells that respond to different frequencies of sound. After the tiny hair cells are stimulated, they direct the frequencies of sound into the auditory nerve, as nerve impulses. (ASHA 2013)
After further research I discovered that hearing aids are not as good as some people make them out to be, as the article why things suck: Hearing aids (2008), explains, that the problems are with the microphone, the processor and the battery of the hearing aids. The microphone, this article suggests that it picks up all sound coming from all directions, to a service user this could be come irritating, and confusing, if this is the case it will be hard for the user to focus in on the sounds they need to hear. In a health and social care setting this could become difficult if a hearing impaired person is in a hospital, they may find the professionals voice hard to hear while background noise is happening. If this was to happen the communication would not be effective, as the service user will not be able to hear all the information and therefore wouldn’t understand what was going on. This relates to argyle’s communication cycle, the cycle is made up of six stages: idea occurring, message
Sounds and speech are captured by a microphone and sent to the external speech processor. The processor then translates the sounds into electrical signals, which are then sent to the transmitting coil. These codes travel up a cable to the headpiece and are transmitted across the skin through radio waves to the implanted cochlea electrodes. The electrodes’ signals then stimulate the auditory nerve fibres to send information to the brain where it is interpreted as meaningful sound.
Most ultrasounds are done using a transducer on the surface of the skin. Sometimes, however, doctors and technicians can get a better diagnostic image by inserting a special transducer into one of the body's natural openings
Heffernan also illustrates how headphones work, stating, “when an audio current passes through the device’s voice coil, it creates an alternating magnetic field that moves a stiff, light diaphragm” (Heffernan, 2011). Describing the history of headphones and how the technology works portrays Heffernan as a reasonable author with a deep understanding of her subject matter, which earns the trust and respect of the audience.
The ears are one of the most complex and interesting systems thats human body has and the sounds we hear are actually in many different parts deflected, absorbed, and also filtered by our different body parts. It's then collected by our pinnae (the external part of or ears), whose dimensions further affect the sound on its way into ear. There, vibrations are translated into signals, which are interpreted by your brain. In the 1930s, two scientists at Bell Labs, Harvey Fletcher and Wilden A. Munson researched this process and what they discovered has changed and affected how we as humans understand the hearing process.
The bone-anchored hearing aid, or Baha, made by CochlearTM, is a bone conduction hearing aid. The Baha is usually fitted to those who cannot wear air conduction hearing aids. The Baha is typically fit to individuals with a conductive hearing loss, but can be fit to other hearing losses. Sound vibrations travel through the outer ear to the tympanic membrane, which moves the malleus, incus, and stables, also known as the ossicles. The footplate of the stapes moves against the oval window, which creates a wave in the fluid inside the cochlea. This results in a change in pressure of the basilar membrane, moving the hair cells, which send information through the auditory nerve to the brain. A conductive hearing loss is when sounds are not conducted
Basically how sound travels through the ear is a process of many steps. The sound waves are gathered by the pinna and then funneled into the meatus. Those waves then begin to vibrate the tympanic membrane which in turn hits against the malleus. The ossicle bones then vibrate like a chain reaction. The footplate will hit the oval window which triggers the fluid in the cochlea to move. The movement sways across the different hair cells creating impulses that are sent to the brain through the eighth cranial nerve.
Hedrick, W. R., & Hykes, D. L., 2005. Ultrasound physics and instrumentation (4th ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Mosby.
Another form of imaging is ultrasound. Ultrasound, which uses very high frequency sound, is directed into the body. And because the tissue interference's reflect sound, doctors are able to produce, by use of a computer, a photograph or moving image on a television. Ultrasound has many application uses on the body, but is more commonly used in examinations of the fetus during pregnancy, because use of radiation may affect the outcome of the baby. Some other practices for ultrasound include examination of the arteries, heart, pancreas, urinary system, ovaries, brain, and spinal cord. And because sound travels well through fluids it is a very useful technique for diagnosing cysts( which are filled with fluid), and fluid filled structures such as the bladder. And since sound is absorbed by air and bone it is impossible to use a ultrasound on bones or lungs.
Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves. It is a high pitch frequency that cannot be heard by the human ear. In ultra sound the following happens: High frequency sound pulses (1-5megahertz) are transmitted from the ultrasound machine into your body using a probe. The sound wave will travel into your body until it hits an object such as soft tissue and bone. When the sound wave hits these objects some of the wave will be reflected back to the probe. While some waves may carry on further till they hit another object and then reflected back. The probe picks up these reflected sound waves and relays them to the machine. The distance and time from the probe,