
Steve And A Handful Of Dates: Similar Themes

Decent Essays

‘A Cap for Steve’ and ‘A Handful of Dates’ are two well composed pieces of literature. Although they are two completely different stories, both can be deeply compared, differentiated and contrasted. Both authors wrote their stories in a fashion that shows extreme similarities while illustrating the power money has over people. This is shown through the main characters, and relation back to other similar themes. Money runs the world, and having something of substantial value can easily go to one’s head. The main characters in both novels were very similar. One of the largest connections can be made between Dave and the grandfather. When Mr.Hudson offered Steve a large sum of money for his hat, that’s all Dave could think of, “All the things he needed in his life gathered around him…” (Callaghan, 175). He is consumed by the value of money, and in his eyes the dollar value is worth more than the sentimental value seen by his son. In comparison, the grandfather was so set on Masood paying off some of his ‘debt’ that he was willing to take all of his dates, no matter how much he needed …show more content…

Throughout the entire story, similarities are easily spotted, but as the end comes into sight all the difference are made clear. The stories branch off into two different endings. In ‘A Cap for Steve’ everything comes to a nice ending. “Maybe I could be your coach…watch you become a great pitcher.” (Callaghan, 177). Dave realizes how the money has been affecting his relationship with his son, Steve. He then takes a step in the right direction and tries to fix things. ‘A Handful of Dates’ on the other hand leaves you with a sense of wonder. None of the loose ends are tied. ”Then, without knowing why, I put my finger in my throat and spewed up the dates I’d eaten” (Salih, 128). The boy is so distraught over what his grandfather had done that he feels the need to rid himself of the stolen property he ate moments

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