
Steve Jobs Major Accomplishments

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Steve Jobs “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs. Jobs is known as one of the world’s greatest innovators. He had an interesting past which led to a successful future. Jobs is most commonly defined by the Apple symbol, but his legacy will live on as an inspiration. On February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California, Steven Paul Jobs was born. More commonly known as Steve Jobs, he was the subject of adoption. His birth mother was not married and was forced to let her child go to Paul and Clara Jobs. They later adopted another child (Patty Jobs) that would become Steve’s younger sister. From an early age, Steve loved working with machines and technology. During Jobs’ junior year in high school, he met Steve “Woz” Wozniak, who was almost 5 years older than Jobs. In college, Woz focused mainly on fun, not as much grades. He had to drop out of college and return home. Jobs also dropped out of college, but after the first semester. …show more content…

He made the world a better place, and will never be forgotten. He was very determined. Creating Apple was definitely one of his most recognized accomplishments and one that will sure live on. According to Karen Blumenthal, author of Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different, Jobs “tried to live each day as though it really mattered.” He worked hard in hopes someday it would all pay off. Very passionate about his work, he once said “the only way to do great work is to love what you do”. Jobs’ MacBook Air line “became iconic in standard laptop technology.” (Gale) Not only will the Apple symbol be remembered as an icon, but also Steve Jobs himself. Finally, Jobs will be remembered for his creativity and innovation. He changed our world as we know it. He won very impressive awards, in a short matter of time. Jobs’ legacy may be important to the present, but it equally important to the future and what is to

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