
Steve Siebold Thesis

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On the opposite side of the aisle are those individuals who are against kneeling during the singing of the national anthem such as, the social viewpoint of, Steve Siebold, contributor for the Huffington Post also a known author to have expertise in the field of critical thinking and mental strengths (Huffington Post, 2017). Steve Siebold wrote a piece illustrating that kneeling during the national anthem was not an appropriate type of protest called, “It’s Time For Colin Kaepernick To Stand For the National Anthem And Stop Being A Punk”. Steve Siebold’s provides an overall conclusion to the argument as he writes, “It’s out of control and it’s time to put an end to disgracing our national anthem and America.” (Siebold, 2016, para. 1). Steve …show more content…

3). Steve Siebold suggests in this deductive reasoning that it is due to the service provided by the men and women of our armed forces and law enforcement that provide individuals the rights, freedoms, opportunities, and security that all individuals have and it is the anthem that illustrates what these men and women stand for and anyone that would mock lacks personal qualities (Siebold, 2016). It is of the belief that the strength of this premise is that it is not just an assumption that men and women serve this country for freedom and to protect, but it is common knowledge and those individuals are saluted for those exact …show more content…

Steve Siebold states, “Of course you are allowed freedom of speech in this country, but don’t disrespect your national anthem and everything it stands for. That’s shameful. Don’t disrespect your fans and employer…You can have freedom of speech without disrespecting the Star-Spangled Banner.” (Siebold, 2016, para. 7). In reality, it is of the opinion that this reasoning brings to light that there are indeed alternatives to the type of protesting and that it does not necessarily mean it has to be done at the expense of the national anthem. Since freedom of speech exists it can be done on a different platform. This reasoning, however, could have been stronger if the author provided exactly what it is the national anthem does stand for instead of just an implication of everything. Yet, in some ways this can be viewed as a red herring fallacy, as it does not stick to the facts of how it is wrong, but diverts to doing it somewhere

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