On the opposite side of the aisle are those individuals who are against kneeling during the singing of the national anthem such as, the social viewpoint of, Steve Siebold, contributor for the Huffington Post also a known author to have expertise in the field of critical thinking and mental strengths (Huffington Post, 2017). Steve Siebold wrote a piece illustrating that kneeling during the national anthem was not an appropriate type of protest called, “It’s Time For Colin Kaepernick To Stand For the National Anthem And Stop Being A Punk”. Steve Siebold’s provides an overall conclusion to the argument as he writes, “It’s out of control and it’s time to put an end to disgracing our national anthem and America.” (Siebold, 2016, para. 1). Steve …show more content…
3). Steve Siebold suggests in this deductive reasoning that it is due to the service provided by the men and women of our armed forces and law enforcement that provide individuals the rights, freedoms, opportunities, and security that all individuals have and it is the anthem that illustrates what these men and women stand for and anyone that would mock lacks personal qualities (Siebold, 2016). It is of the belief that the strength of this premise is that it is not just an assumption that men and women serve this country for freedom and to protect, but it is common knowledge and those individuals are saluted for those exact …show more content…
Steve Siebold states, “Of course you are allowed freedom of speech in this country, but don’t disrespect your national anthem and everything it stands for. That’s shameful. Don’t disrespect your fans and employer…You can have freedom of speech without disrespecting the Star-Spangled Banner.” (Siebold, 2016, para. 7). In reality, it is of the opinion that this reasoning brings to light that there are indeed alternatives to the type of protesting and that it does not necessarily mean it has to be done at the expense of the national anthem. Since freedom of speech exists it can be done on a different platform. This reasoning, however, could have been stronger if the author provided exactly what it is the national anthem does stand for instead of just an implication of everything. Yet, in some ways this can be viewed as a red herring fallacy, as it does not stick to the facts of how it is wrong, but diverts to doing it somewhere
The author, Sean Gregory, in “The Perilous Fight,” talks about the political issue that has been going on for the past year, the issue started when a professional football player from the San Francisco 49ers team, also known as Colin Kaepernick, kneeled down when the National anthem for the United States of America was played at the beginning of a game. Kaepernick’s justification for this, was that this was his way of protesting unfair treatment of individuals because of racial characteristics. Since racism, discrimination, and gender inequalities have been going on for centuries, I agree on the matter of sports players being able to kneel down when the anthem, “Star spangled Banner,” is being played because these people are trying to stand up for what they believe is right, and they should be allowed to protest because it is serving as a peaceful way to protest for people who are being unjustly treated. Racism and discrimination often leads to these individuals who are suffering to be judged, killed, and many other harsh things that should not be taking place in the “land of the free.” We as Americans are given so many great things, and people think about the United States they usually think of freedom, pursuit of happiness, and the rights of being a U.S. citizen, but how can we exercise those given rights properly, when t the government does not let us by putting limitations and restrictions on how we use our rights? When it's
In this week’s article “The Anthem”, The author, Joe Ponanski, goes deeply into the background of the national anthem to show the importance of the Star Spangled Banner as it unites us as a country. The actions of athletes as they play the anthem have meaning. Inappropriate actions during the anthem can convey a kind of disrespectful demeanor toward the country and our troops, whether this is the intent of the athletes action or not. Colin Kaepernick was making a personal proclamation. He was drawing attention to a very serious predicament, racial discrimination in the US. After the game he explained “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,". Those who don’t agree with
Colin Kaepernick, a San Francisco 49er quarterback but also a daring black man that has decided to speak for the voices that can’t, has made his voice heard by kneeling during America’s beloved ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’. Jaweed Kaleem writes in the article “In the ‘land of the free,’ are you free to sit out the national anthem?” about the controversial topic in which he showcases the two sides of how it deems to be disrespectful to sit out the national anthem vs how Kaepernick has the freedom of expression to sit out what he believes does not benefit him.
A big problem protesters like Colin Kaepernick and others are facing is that since they don’t participate in the National Anthem people think that they don’t like our country and are unpatriotic. For example Donald Trump and his aides took the situation into their own hands when calling out the protesters by saying, “protests are unpatriotic and disrespectful to the flag and those who have fought to protect the United States”(Tatum). After these comments players fire back by saying they’re exercising free speech by not participating in the National Anthem while standing with their hands over their hearts. Protesting is a
A recent controversy, such as San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for "The Star-Spangled Banner” raised many questions and concerns towards one of our protected freedoms. According to the 1st amendment, “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion freedom of speech,” whether that speech is spoken in words, symbolic or non-verbal acts. Kaepernick was not obsequious and did not show too much willingness to respect the national Anthem to protest police violence against African-Americans. In my opinion whether it is feminism, racism, or anti gay protests, if a United States citizen chooses to violently or peacefully assemble his/her opinion one should always be heard. Considering past events,such
“The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race,It is about respect for our country,
Kneeling during the national anthem is not just wrong it is also disrespectful to the multitudes in our country who have served or or presently serving this great nation-- the United States of America. The national anthem represents many things. One of them is the fortitude of our country’s flag. In the anthem it declares that the United States of America is “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” The flag represents the very core and essence of our nation as the only land on the continent that offers its citizens the freedoms it has at the price paid for ultimately by the brave. It is in no way oppressive nor racist. It is the theme song for every American. The intended audience of this paper is an appeal to all Americans. The quarterback of the 49ers football team, Colin Kaepernick, first began a protest to draw attention to a series of incidents against African Americans by remaining seated during the national anthem, “the Star Spangled Banner.” After the great stir Kaepernick caused in the media during September 2016, Kaepernick switched up his protest by taking a knee as a nod or gesture of showing more respect to current and former military after receiving an in-depth letter from Nate Boyer a former NFL player and US military veteran. Boyer served our country as a Green Beret. Over a decade ago, Boyer witnessed genocide while working in Sudan. He met numerous African men who were smitten with America and longed to have the
The ground is not constant in every part of the world. Grass, sand, dirt, rocks, and everything in between is always changing underneath our feet. The sky is always shifting when new shapes and colors pass above our heads as we carry out our lives. It is baffling to think that people surrounded in a world of change believe it is possible to stick to one way of living. The belief in following a tradition can come from multiple ideals. The United States has an abundance of these traditions, and sometimes it is hard to notice when you are within one. The Star Spangled Banner is a prime example of a long-standing tradition in the United States, where it is usually played before national sporting events. Americans believe that the national anthem represents the greatness of America, and some believe that it honors our fallen soldiers and military. It is traditional to stand with our hands on our hearts, facing the flag while the anthem plays. The recent phenomenon of NFL players kneeling at the national anthem is a call to attention for the victims affected by racial inequality and police brutality within our country. Interestingly, NFL players weren’t required to be on the field during the anthem until 2009. Regardless, this show of taking a knee seems to many as a menace to their tradition. Some people were thoroughly opposed to these protests, including our own country’s leader. The president of the United States calling these gestures a “total disrespect of our
If it wasn’t for them this country wouldn’t be the land of the free and the home of the brave. “According to the U.S code it is not breaking laws or illegal because within the U.S code they use the key word “should” which to experts is not a most” (Gore). You should have the respect and the courtesy to stand for the flag. Considering that the U.S code it does not make it mandatory to stand for the flag but in my opinion I think the people who are protesting by kneeling can find a new way to protest. The National Anthem is our moment to stand and honor our land, flag, and troops.
First a little background on the national anthem. The song itself was written to commemorate a military victory when we withstood a British attack and “Old Glory” continued to wave over the battered fort during the War of 1812. In 1931 Congress officially decided listeners should stand when “The Star Spangled Banner” is played. Congress also gave suggestions for the behavior of people listening to the song. Which is basically to stand at attention, hand over your heart, and men should remove their hats and hold them over their heart. (Dempsey, Martin). So even Congress believes that is what a person should do, but so they would not be in violation of 1st Amendment rights, they only recommended it, they
The massive protest throughout the NFL is against the violence and injustice toward African-Americans in the United States. As a team the Seattle Seahawks stated that they, “‘Will not stand for the injustice that has plagued people of color in this country’” (May 1). The Star Spangled Banner is an important song for Americans because it shows the unity within the country; in fact, it is supposed to bring all citizens together no matter their differences. Standing for the Anthem shows respect for all the men and women in our military who have fought for the freedom and rights of American citizens. Nick Stefanovic is a Marine Corps veteran, and was deployed to Afghanistan twice. He is one of the military personnel who think Americans should be standing for the
Protesting during National Anthem To all Americans, the Star Spangles Banner is an exceptionally important anthem for them. It is a way of saluting and eulogizing the history and events of America. It is also another way of recognozing their country’s struggles, traditions, and sacrifices the U.S military forces made.
The right to protest is a freedom that should be respected. Our First Amendment clearly states no law shall be made regarding the right of the people to assemble peaceably (www.ushistory.org). This right is known as symbolic speech and is one of the most controversial rights protected by the First Amendment. Activists for gay rights, civil rights, and women’s rights have taken advantage of this freedom in their attempts to promote their cause. However, protesting in a manner that disrespects our country, our flag, or our anthem is not an acceptable method of protest.
The National Anthem signifies a copious amount of things for all citizens of the United States. To many people, the main thing that it represents is respect to our military. The United States has fought in several wars and lost many brave and whole-hearted soldiers. Both the victories and losses of our military are acknowledged, celebrated, and honored. Understandably, our military and our National Anthem coincide in the eyes of many people due to the fact that they both represent patriotism and the overcoming of battles faced by the United States.
It’s two in the morning and your phone starts ringing. The rings seem to get louder and louder with every breath you take. Once your courage has formed and the phone has been answered, your heart suddenly stops. The news of your loved one’s death is almost too unbearable; breathing seems unnecessary now. Sadly, this is the type of horrific news that many families must hear when their loved one sacrifices their life for their country. Recently, there has been much controversy regarding national anthem protesting in the National Football League and other sports organizations. The protests have been formed to shed light on the ongoing issue of racism and injustices within the United States of America. Although these protests give attention to an important issue, they make the grieving of loved ones and those who have fought for our freedom that much worse. Protesting our country’s national anthem is not an appropriate way to give a call to action about recent prejudices in the country because it is disrespectful to those who have fought and those who have loved ones fighting to protect our freedoms every day.