
Steven Covey Habit One Analysis

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Steven Covey's Habit One is about taking charge of your life. Instead of shifting the blame elsewhere, you can be responsible for your own life. Also, you need to stop thinking the external circumstances that you cannot control. I consider myself as a proactive person, but after reading Covey's article, I think I tend to be more reactive. For instance, I am happy when the sky is full of dark and grey clouds just before raining. And every time watching my team lose the last game of the season in the playoff, I feel so sad that I cry all day long. Lastly, I usually do not care what people think of me, but there is one exception. When criticized by the chef with my work, especially when I really want my job well done, I consequently feel down for few days afterwards. For better or worse, these are all examples of reactive behaviour, where my feelings depend on the results of external events or processes that I have no control over. They are completely outside my sphere of influence, yet they still control my life. This is why I sometimes see myself as a victim, which leads to feel powerless. The words such as "this team makes me mad" or "he makes me feel so lonely" are examples of the victim …show more content…

I can decide to be happy even if there is a blizzard in hell. If I can watch a game just for fun, I would move on very quickly, saying "we lost; it was a good game, though." I can be disappointed when my team loses a game, and that is it. I will try to enjoy a game itself. And there is the last one: criticism from my favourite chef. I understand he gives me a feedback for me to become better, but it is tough to swallow. In fact, I react every single word from my chef, when praised, I am in such a good mood. What I am going to do is that I will not deal with both good and bad things too dramatically. Instead, take and use them as the motivation so that I can develop and strengthen in my

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