Success is no accident, it takes perseverance and hard work how bad do you want it? Not giving up is very important for many things. Perseverance is something many people lack and is a crucial thing to succeed in life.
If you don’t try again after you fail there was no point in doing it in the first place. Steven Spielberg was rejected three times while trying to get into college, he later pursued his career without his degree, and worked very hard to get where he needed to be. He now has 3 oscars, 2 golden globe awards, and 4 emys under his name. He finally tried again after much success and got his degree 35 years after his first attempt. If you are dedicated to something you will for sure come through and finish it.
Messing up is a
By definition, success is a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity. How an individual reaches the point of success is “not exceptional or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky- but all critical to making them who they are” (285). Throughout the book, Outliers by Malcom Gladwell, the pieces of the secret to success are put together. Three parts of success include pure luck, the amount of time and effort put into working to achieve your goal and where you come from.
What is the source of your success? My own definition of success is about overcoming my obstacles and hardships. If I can’t overcome the obstacles and hardships along the way, then I will try again so that I am more prepared and have the right knowledge. I want to meet obstacles and hardships because I want to feel the pleasure of success when I overcome them. In order for me to overcome and embrace hardships, I need to find the missing link, have the right knowledge, and practice effective time management.
Winston Churchill once said “success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” I strongly agree with what Churchill said and believe failures do lead to success. I agree with this statement because if you fail at something the first time you will know more on what to do the second time around. I also believe if you’re doing something for a second time it will push you harder to finish it successfully.
Success is just a simple word, yet it filled with hardship and dedication of ones who try to conquer it. Many wish for success, but not many actually put in the work and chase it down. The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell describes different factors contributed to a successful life. Gladwell displays many great sides of success and truly gives ones the reason to keep fighting.
Success is the act of achieving something, success usually comes following the practice for the desired event. We have all heard that you can only succeed with practice and preparation, which is a true statement; to my knowledge. However, some feel differently towards this statement they either feel that success can come with either natural talent, or pure luck. With this being said, I can understand why some may feel this way, but the truth of the matter is that it's a necessity to practice and practice efficiently in order to succeed.
A two time Oscar winner and a full time Visionary. Steven Allan Spielberg has directed over 100 films and still counting. Spielberg’s dramatic directing style has been capturing audiences attentions for over 50 years. He’s changed the movie-going experience since day one. Steven Spielberg is a game changer because he changed modern Cinema with his signature directing style and his iconic DreamWorks logo.
Work harder. Still not successful? Try something else. Success in something is out there for those who are willing to make the sacrifices to achieve it.” This shows that you need to try your best to be able to be treated like the best, and only people who try hard at something will achieve
Sir Winston Churchill, a British politician from 1800’s says “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” Throughout my few years of living, I have learned that everybody is going to fail at something at least once. It is up to you to take all of your failures and turn them into success. It’s not going to only take one day but everyone is destined to be successful.
I have always known that never giving up is important to being successful. Through the National Honor Society, I
Great successes is commonly gained by hard work. People normally have to fight for what they want in life because not everything is handed to them. Hard work
Steven Spielberg is one of the most successful directors of all time (in fact, may people would argue that he is the most successful director there has ever been) and his movies have been some of the most profitable and well known in history. His opening sequences are noted for being captivating, gripping and often scary, building tension and suspense. Born in 1946 in Ohio, Spielberg has become elite among directors. The gross of the films he has directed is estimated at $8.5 billion, and three of his films – Jurassic Park, Jaws and E.T. the extra-terrestrial – have achieved box office records.
Let me tell you the difference between me and the other candidates applying. It’s six inches. There are three parts to a foot race as there is in education: the beginning, the easy and painless portion, halfway, when you begin to discover pain, and the end which is the part where we decide to either give up or keep on pushing! Like life, you are racing against other men and women who are as prepared or more prepared than you are. As preparation is a big head start in any race, it is not the deciding factor to who wins. The last mile of a race is what truly defines all of us applicants. We really only have three options. Option one is to simply give up, but since we are all applying, it is safe to say that none of us have given up on higher education.
My philosophy of success is simply being content with your life. To me personality, I still do not know what contentment is to me and that's fine. I can guess it is being independent, with a job I am passionate about and surrounded by people that truly care about me. Success is finding that point in life that, if things stayed like how they are at this moment then it would be alright. I'm not saying to stop improving yourself or that after that point nothing bad or better will happen. People should always try to improve themselves and in reality, bad things will always happen at one point. Therefor my philosophy is to work towards that feeling of contentment. It
However, if we choose to give up on ourselves in the middle of the journey just because we have low self-esteem and do not believe that others can support us, we can never be successful. Hence, only the person who endures throughout the journey and believes strongly in hope is qualified enough to be successful.
Success or failure in life is created by how you think. A mindset that is fixed in stone believing you either have talents and abilities or you don't leads to failure.